No retrograde step in Christian Science
/In March as I was walking home from town, I noticed a feeling of restriction in my chest. I took it slow going home, and then sat down and rested a while. Two months earlier, I had given a testimony of a healing of a heart attack during the night, and was wondering if this was a backward or retrograde step.
I talked to my practitioner and was told there is no retrograde step in Christian Science (see Science and Health, p. 74:29). I held to that and also to what Mrs. Eddy says, “There is but one primal cause. Therefore there can be no effect from any other cause, and there can be no reality in aught which does not proceed from this great and only cause” (Science and Health, p. 207:20–23).
Two days later, I walked to the library a block away – no problem. Then I decided to walk to the CVS store on the other end of town and back – no trouble at all. Then came the snowstorm, and I easily shoveled the 12-inch-deep snow without having to stop and rest, which I usually do. Mrs. Eddy says, “The human thought must free itself from self-imposed materiality and bondage,” and I did (Science and Health, p. 191:16–17).