There has never been a case of flu
/The last couple of years have brought lots of Christian Science study and spiritual growth, for which I am grateful. I remember an Association many years ago when Skip read from some fruitage where the individual prayed with the idea that there has never been a case of stomach flu. This thought surprised me at the time. But since then, whenever a belief of disease arises in the news or seems to have much fear attached to it, I work to know that there has never been a case of such a disease. This has proven especially helpful in recent years. I have had symptoms of congestion or flu a few times, but each time the symptoms have disappeared rapidly and completely.
In early February of this year, I woke up with symptoms of flu and extreme tiredness. I slept for a while, but by late afternoon I was no better and realized I needed to get to work in Science. I opened my Science and Health at random and read, “Because matter has no consciousness or Ego, it cannot act; its conditions are illusions, and these false conditions are the source of all seeming sickness. Admit the existence of matter, and you admit that mortality (and therefore disease) has a foundation in fact. Deny the existence of matter, and you can destroy the belief in material conditions. When fear disappears, the foundation of disease is gone” (Science and Health 368:24–32).
A couple of days earlier, I had spent several hours in a car repair waiting room, where many people were wearing masks. I wasn’t wearing a mask since there is no mandate in our state. When I left, I felt a mental heaviness and disturbance. In thinking about this, I remembered the statement, “Christian Scientists, be a law to yourselves that mental malpractice cannot harm you either when asleep or when awake” (Science and Health, 442:30).
I then was able to start praying for myself and wrote the following notes:
“In Him we live and move and have our being.” Matter can make no conditions for me. Man is spiritual, not material. Matter is inert, mindless. Illness is mesmerism, not truth. It is never real, it is only aggressive mental suggestion. “Lo, I am with you alway.” I’m safe in God, Spirit.
“The flame shall not hurt thee.” I can walk through the flames of mortal belief and mental malpractice unharmed. I then had a vision and a feeling of walking through fiery flames with the Son of God, unharmed, untouched by the flames. Thank you, Father-Mother God.
“Held in God’s Law, I stand: His hand in all things I behold, and all things in His hand.” God is sustaining me and keeping me. I am safe in God’s law, divine Principle, Love. There is nothing wrong with me. God is always with me, defending and protecting me. I am not in any trouble. I am innocent, perfect, “reflected face to face,” never alone, always defended. I do the bidding of my Father. No one else can move me or affect me. I’m only touched by and sensitive to God’s angels. “Power belongeth unto God!” Mortal carnal mind is not power, but illusion.
After writing these notes, I suddenly realized that I was completely healed, completely free of any of the symptoms. So grateful for God’s goodness and love realized in the practice of Christian Science.