Embraced by “the great heart of Love”
/Some years ago, I was working at home. As I entered the living room, I began experiencing extreme pain in my chest and felt I needed to sit down on the couch. As I sat there, I was having great difficulty breathing and I couldn’t get comfortable. I reached out to God and knew He was with me, but I was finding no relief.
A friend, who is a Christian Science practitioner, was visiting. Because she was upstairs cooking dinner, she did not know that I was struggling. I was finally able to speak loudly enough for her to hear that I needed help. She came down the stairs and sat near me and began to voice the truth of my being. She reminded me that I reflected “the great heart of Love,” and in that there was no pain or fear. I began to find some relief. At that point, she picked up Science and Health and proceeded to read to me. She read several references to Love. I was feeling so embraced by Love that I felt uplifted, and the pain left.
This was a very quick healing and it once again brought me closer to God, where I felt the warmth of His presence and the knowledge that God truly is my Life. There is nothing more sure and safe than to know that God will never leave us comfortless. I am so grateful for this demonstration and this solid proof that I am a spiritual idea and God’s perfect child.