Divine Mind was guiding me through my taxes
/I would like to share some fruitage related to my business. I have to file an annual sales tax, which I have done for almost a decade without much difficulty. But this year, my sales were greater and the sales tax seemed more complicated to figure out than in earlier years. I set aside time to do this, but found I was completely befuddled and overwhelmed, staying up really late the night before it was due and still not sure how I should proceed with calculating it. I had tried a bunch of different ways of importing and sorting my sales data, but was still confused. The day it was due, I called the state sales tax helpline as soon as it opened, but the help was confusing and I felt that I either wasn’t communicating my question well or wasn’t being understood. At this point, I had to do a chore that involved waiting in my car and – finally! – did what I should have done at the beginning, which was to turn to God, divine Mind.
I read that week’s Bible Lesson, and this really jumped out at me: “God understandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the place thereof” (Job 28:23). I knew that God knew what I needed to know, and as God’s reflection, I did, too. I also recalled that wonderful testimony in a Century of Christian Science Healing (pp. 195–197) about a guy who needed to create a special airplane part. He couldn’t humanly figure it out, but just got still and listened to divine Mind, knowing that he reflected the intelligence of God. I thought, too, of a great testimony shared by a fellow Association member a few years ago that told how he was able to figure out very complicated tax issues through divine Mind’s leading.
I finally got still myself and felt inspired to call the state sales tax helpline again. After a long hold, I was connected to a very helpful person who answered my questions very clearly and patiently. Even though I had a lot of calculations to do to figure everything out, I found I was able to do this with a sense of peace, order, and dominion, and was able to file my taxes before the end of the workday. This turn of events was almost shocking to me – although it shouldn’t be – because it was such a complete turnaround from the dread and confusion I had been feeling all weekend and that morning. It was very clear that divine Mind was guiding me through this process – I just needed to turn from mortal mind’s frenzied attempts to solve the problem myself and listen to God. I am so grateful for this healing, which felt pretty dramatic to me, and also very grateful for our Association, which played a big role in it.