“I feel I am a different person than the one before reading the chapter.”
/What do you feel the word creation implies?
The popular but false view of creation implies that there was a time when nothing existed and then an event when everything started. It implies that we are an outcome of that event and that we are material. If we believe and live with this belief that we once did not exist and that our life is dependent on material forces, we will be subject to that belief and exist constrained in its illusions. This belief controls our thought and clouds our ability to know true creation, God’s creation. It hides true creation, whereas God and man have always existed, and where creation is eternal.
If one is seeing Truth, creation implies God’s creation and it has no beginning and no end. Live in the Truth and one becomes aware of infinite Spirit and its ever-constant supply of ideas.
Here are some of the examples of creation from the chapter that brought me to this understanding:
• Mortals are creators of what God would not or could not create.
• Creation is seen in turning away from error.
• Creation becomes visible as one gains correct views of God and man.
• As mortals gain more correct views of God and man, multitudinous objects of creation, which before were invisible, will become visible. – p. 264
• The likeness of Mind expressed in ideas.
• Spirit and its formations are the only realities of being. – p. 264
• “Let there be light,” is the perpetual demand of Truth and Love, changing chaos into order and discord into the music of the spheres.
• This scientific sense of being, forsaking matter for Spirit, by no means suggest man’s absorption into Deity and the loss of his identity, but confers upon man enlarged individuality, a wider sphere of thought and action, a more expansive love, a higher and more permanent peace. – p. 265
• It is generally conceded that God is Father, eternal, self-created, infinite. If this is so, the forever Father must have had children prior to Adam. The great I AM made all “that was made.” Hence man and the spiritual universe coexist with God. – 267
The excuse for how matter got here, is a misunderstanding of creation. Life is eternal and has always been so.
In your own words describe your impressions of the chapter “Creation” in Science and Health.
The most concise description I can make of my impression of the chapter “Creation” is that it is an expansion on, and a study of the “scientific statement of being”. There is no creation in matter. It never happened. And God never went from nothing to something. Creation is not related to chaos. The chapter expands and examines these ideas. Reading it made the “scientific statement of being” clearer than ever before. It reminded me that I am Mind’s, Truth’s, Spirit’s, Love’s, Principle’s, Soul’s, Life’s perfect reflection.
The chapter gives you ways to guard against the creeping story of matter and man’s imprisonment in it. We can rid ourselves of matter or material belief by examining it under the microscope of Spirit. We need to be alert every hour in order to understand good. I have to give up all sensual ideas of creation as mine. It is not creation and it is not mine. I’m the reflection of God, good and I have the opportunity to witness the flow of good ideas, spiritually real ideas into an atmosphere of Spirit. Those ideas carry the power of Truth and Love.
How can the increased understanding of true creation make a difference in your life? Better yet, share with us how the truth of creation has been, or is being, demonstrated in your life.
Reading the chapter Creation was like the first time I went to a CS church service. It was a Wednesday evening meeting and I came out saying to my friend who took me there, “Are they for real? Can you really say those things in public?” and “This is what I’ve always believed!”
In reading the chapter, the increased understanding of creation gives me a renewed way of seeing each day, of being in each day. I feel I am a different person than the one before reading the chapter. I’m more conscious and confident that this consciousness dispels fear, and enables me to express the fullness of Life, Truth, Love. I’m more at peace. I’m not waiting to become spiritual because I am spiritual. I live in an ever-unfolding reflection of God’s completeness right now. “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all.” (SH, p. 468) Being conscious of true creation, where infinite God is continuously being and unfolding, gives me a rock to stand on and a source of ideas that sustain me, and support my expression of creativity. That creativity is the flowing of creation from Mind, Love, Soul, Spirit, Principle, Truth, Love. This dispels fear and enables me to express the fullness of Life, Truth, and Love.
With that knowledge why wouldn’t I be excited each day to get up and get to work. To be excited to see how I can experience the creation that is constantly mine to live and share. I want to get up and see how this is the Truth, and yet there is all this evidence to the contrary. That is where the chapter is also so helpful in that it shows how to deal with the error we seem to behold. “Man is the idea of Spirit; he reflects the beatific presence, illuming the universe with light. Man is deathless, spiritual. He is above sin or frailty. He does not cross the barriers of time into the vast forever of Life, but he coexists with God and the universe.” (SH 266:27) This is not some future time we have to prepare for, it is right now!
This chapter woke me up. I remembered that I am perfect. When someone asks me how I am, and that happens daily with business contacts, I have the opportunity to declare what is true, if not out loud at least to myself, that I am perfect. Reading and studying the chapter has renewed me. I was troubled by someone I had to work with on a daily basis. Now I have great appreciation for that person and look forward each day to see how that person expresses God’s creation. Now, I see people, close acquaintances and political figures that were annoying me, with a new sense of wisdom and love. I see new possibilities in business. I’m acting more clearly. Years of bitterness about a number of things has disappeared. I have a more selfless sense to see the child of God. I’m able to perceive and appreciate better the everlasting unfoldment of good. I feel like a new, better person. There has been a healing enabling me to Love and care for others more spiritually.
I love the citation, paraphrased, “Creation becomes visible as one gains correct views of God and man.” (see SH, p. 264) This means to me, creation has already happened and is continuously happening and we can see it as we are open to and gain true vision.