“…how seeing all creation continually being ‘in His hands’ lifted the concerns and wiped the slate clean to allow for a very fulfilling day.”
/Implications of the word creation –
When we received the assignment to read the chapter on Creation, my favorite quotation on the subject immediately came to thought: “Creation is ever appearing, and must ever continue to appear from the nature of its inexhaustible source.” At first I wondered if I would find that sentence in the assigned chapter, but of course, I quickly found it in “Genesis”, the first chapter in the “Key to the Scriptures” section of our textbook. (SH 507:28-29) So I realized as have others that the spiritual sense of Creation implies the unique sense of that which is and always has been and always will be complete with an ongoing infinite unfoldment and newness as it progressively reaches and transforms mortal thinking “…the mortal is dropped for the immortal” as Mrs. Eddy puts it when speaking of spiritual progress and its effect on mankind. (SH, p. 296)
My Impressions of the chapter on “Creation”
Chock full of affirmations and denials of what creation is and is not, I began to look on the chapter as a foundational beam of Church, “the structure of Truth and Love,” as Mrs. Eddy defines it (p. 583). It affirms the dynamic nature of Church and denies its opposite – any sense of stagnancy, decline, decay or dissolution.
How this focus on Creation is making a difference in my life
One way that currently stands out to me: As a current branch church Second Reader, I was excited to find at least two and often more, citations in each lesson-sermon from pp. 255 – 267. I have been highlighting the citations I find each week in the Citation Edition of “The Christian Science Quarterly”. In the current week, the last two citations from Science and Health are both from the chapter. So it is an ongoing lesson in the basic nature of the teachings of the chapter. It has also come to me that another way to look at its connection with the Lesson-Sermon is to see that each of the 26 subjects teaches some key aspect(s) of Creation, and I am finding my weekly preparation supported, inspiring, and more valuable when looked at in this light – What does this lesson-sermon teach us about Creation and the true and dynamic nature of Church? I am finding a fresh sense of focus each week, and I expect it to continue to unfold, as does the nature of creation itself – illimitably!
Recognizing fruitage where mortal mind says there is or has been none
I am not sure what category this report goes under, but want to share this breakthrough, which shows an opening of thought that is blessing me and others whom my thoughts rest upon (as indicated in “What Our Leader Says”: My, p. 210).
I am in the midst of a move to a lovely new apartment. Mortal mind has tried to say “you cannot do all this at once!” I have realized indeed "I" cannot, but “what cannot God do?” This morning before leaving for my post as Second Reader, I found myself getting pretty wound up mentally about all that remains to be done for the move but also praying to be able to give full due diligence to our Association assignment, along with my branch church work, my prayers for home, The Mother Church, our nation, and the world. And, to getting my tax preparation work dispatched to my attorney’s office asap!
The assuaging of my concerns came during this morning’s service when a substitute soloist shared a lovely rendition of the Afro-American spiritual, “He’s got the whole world in His hands.” I had been praying for the service as I always do, to know that we all can “Let the Word have free course and be glorified”. (No, p. 45) A wave of peaceful relief swept over me as the solo continued. The realization came quickly into focus, the realization of Who is doing the work, governing the schedules, providing the strength, direction, and dominion needed. After church back at home, a “just-right” amount of time was provided for significant progress in each of the major categories that were the object of concern earlier in the day. Taking stock at the end of the day of all the good from God that had been the Cause of the progress that had been made throughout the rest of the day in each of the categories, I noted, for example, that “quality time” had been spent on the Association assignment, and a measurable amount had been accomplished in various aspects of preparation for the move and the taxes. What a clear piece of fruitage for me to realize anew how seeing God the Creator at work in this new/old view of all creation continually being “in His hands” lifted the concerns and wiped the slate clean to allow for a very fulfilling day.