“Not just a creation of trees, and grass, planets and people, but of ideas, all the ideas in the universe.”
/Creation implies the beginning, origin and source, the maker and that which is made. The phrase "Let there be light" stood out to me. Light must be a key element for Mrs. Eddy to place it in the beginning of the chapter. Light has the meaning of Life, awakening, knowledge, and true knowledge is "changing the universe", our everyday lives and the world around us. We become less encumbered by superstitions, breaking old stereotypes and false laws.
Mrs. Eddy uses the words "finite" and "infinite", showing we must completely broaden our view of everything. Especially as relating to Mind. Creation is our whole world and experience and all things. Changing our concept of creation, we must get a non-human-reasoning, a larger sense of All. She explains a Mind creation, not limited. Not just a creation of trees, and grass, planets and people, but of ideas, all the ideas in the universe. Soul as the only substance. God created all things. He made ideas, not matter--the creation was idea.
My thought questioned what/ how does matter get explained in this topic. Mortal mind's question really, and how was Mrs. Eddy going to address it? Then I realized—matter has no actual creation. It was never part of "Creation". Not that it had its own separate creation- it never has existed as a truth or reality. It never was created, and still hasn't been. Therefore it has no basis in reality, in this "Light" that awakens and frees us.
When a truth exposes a falsehood by bringing to open view the facts, it changes our whole experience. We see as never before the sham that has paraded itself as reality, and we can never go back into ignorance. "Mental swaddling clothes", and "human shackles", our false beliefs about matter, bind us in limitation and lack. Using a false basis as the premise means we are always looping back with no real progress.
Not just memorizing the words "man is not material, he is spiritual," but understanding why this is so. The fact is that there can be no creation without a Creator, without God, Spirit. Matter never did create man. "No mortal mind has the might or right or wisdom to create or to destroy"(SH 544:14-15). The only creator there ever was, was a spiritual one. Matter was never created and could not create itself since it never existed. The five senses conspire, but they are proved to give a false report, not capable of knowing truth, but rely on human mind interpretation (beliefs) which constantly misguide us. I'm striving to continue to understand the depth of this idea, that matter is not a legitimate creation, no part of creation at all.
How will this make a difference for me? I have always felt this statement, "The foundation of mortal discord is a false sense of man’s origin" (SH 262:27-28) was key, and the "how" of many of the early healings which happened without direct thought toward the difficulty. This gives me more insight into the Fatherhood of God, Spirit and greater expectancy to see it "changing the universe" in my life.