Phinney Association

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"I began to feel I could trust divine Love"

For several days I struggled in pain. My body functions weren’t doing what they were supposed to. I kept moving from one spot to another trying to get comfortable, not sleeping much at all. Then it dawned on me: was comfort in matter what I really needed? On one hand YES! But as a lifelong student of CS with lots of practical experience of healing I wanted more than that, to feel the deep loving care of God, divine Love, that had flooded thought at other times overcoming fear and bringing healing (of a broken foot bone, swine flu symptoms, severe breathing difficulty and many others.) 

So, I followed Jesus’ teachings:  

“… when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father …” (Matthew 6:6)

I shut the door mentally on the physical senses and persistently praised God for His goodness, as a start.  I began to listen even more closely to what the Bible and S&H were showing me of divine Love’s allness.

The practitioner I was working with shared with me inspiration about the third commandment, not to take the Lord thy God’s name in vain. She’d looked up in the dictionary "in vain" which was defined as "to no purpose," and she realized that this is both a commandment and a promise. The command was: Don't pray to God with the attitude that our prayers may not have purpose or value [or fruition] — but pray with expectation and assurance that our prayers are not in vain because God promises that He will answer every call. (Ps 91:15 and Hymn 139)

I began to feel I could trust divine Love to lead me, guide me, care for me. Fear abated. Practical fruitage ensued. A friend (a CS nurse) called out of the blue and asked if there was anything she could do. I hadn’t eaten for quite a number of days, and she brought just the right thing. Step by step one part of the body began to do what it was supposed to do. I continued to be diligent and not to dwell on the material evidence. I continued to stay laser-focused on spiritual work, to study the weekly Bible lesson, to focus on a project of reading through all of Jesus’ healings and learning from him. I continued to listen to JSH online audio articles on healing. I continued to feel at peace. Another bodily function began to operate normally.   

A few days later, I called another church friend to see if she’d mind doing a little grocery shopping for me. She was very willing to go the following day. I woke up early that morning and something a friend had shared recently came right to thought: “Surprise mortal mind!” So, I was obedient to the thought and got up (though it was 6 a.m.) and went grocery shopping myself. Instead of being impressed that I hadn’t really eaten for a week or walked much, I moved forward with progress. Within a few days, all was as it should be. The healing was complete.   

I’m so grateful for practitioners who work right alongside us.  So grateful for branch churches where we share our growth and discoveries and progress with others that are also leaning on God for every need. So grateful to God for his ever-present, omnipotent Love for each of us.