"I was so impressed with the restorative power of God"

I noticed a growth on my skin at the start of last summer. I peeled it off, but it grew back more aggressively. I called a practitioner, and we prayed for a time with the idea that we are awake to our spiritual identity. I decided not to give this suggestion any identity and covered it with a bandage except when showering. 

During this time, the Bible Lesson featured the story of Naaman, who was healed of leprosy by Elisha after he humbled himself and obeyed Elisha's command to dip himself in the River Jordan seven times. We went over this story in my Sunday School class of middle school girls, and it came strongly to mind as I continued to pray about this situation.

What kept coming to my thought was this verse: "And his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean." I was so impressed with the restorative power of God, and in my thought, envisioned Naaman with beautiful, youthful skin. Not only was Naaman healed of leprosy, he was also healed of aging!

Whenever I was tempted to think of the growth, I thought: If it was possible for Naaman, it is possible for me. I specifically rejoiced in his healing and in the demonstration of beautiful, childlike skin, and often repeated that verse to myself. I avoided looking at the growth and just did not make much of it. Over the summer it diminished, and by September, it had disappeared entirely with nothing but smooth skin left.