“I don’t have to fight for Truth to be true”

This winter I was going up the stairs at my house and my knee gave out painfully. I couldn’t walk. My wife saw this and took over that evening’s errands. 

I called a practitioner and within a few days I saw a little improvement. I can’t think of a good reason why, but I stopped working with her. Maybe because it felt half healed, and I thought I should take up the rest on my own? Then it seemed to happen again. So, I prayed each time it came to thought.

I admit I was tempted with really nasty thoughts. We are expecting our first child, and our apartment has narrow, somewhat slippery steps. Thoughts about how I couldn’t carry my weight in my family, or carry my child safely, came unsolicited.

I can’t say exactly that I worked with this sentence, or that verse. I do know that I relied on my past demonstrations. I know how to pray. I know God. I have rock-solid faith in the infinite good.  I don’t have to expect a problem to last.

Truth is something I live, not something to chat glibly or proudly about.

Christian Science is what and how I live – what we all live. Ultimately, it is our very consciousness. I don’t have to fight for Truth to be true. A true thing is always true. And that radically redefines substance to the human thinking. The worldview taught me that substance is something I can poke and prod like dirt. But when I look at how long a material flower lasts compared to how long 2+2=4 lasts, substance begins to take on a different view. Matter seems pretty incompetent to be substance. So now, when I don’t seem to have direct inspiration, I wait upon the spiritual idea. “Man outlives finite mortal definitions of himself, according to a law of ‘the survival of the fittest.’” (No and Yes p. 25:12–13) And that is what happens sometimes. I just live Science until the false idea has been outlived. (Yes, on so-called bad days I might need to rise up against frustrations or turn away from doubt with a real zeal. But I don’t make truth true, or good good.) In essence, my health is substantial. A worn-out knee isn’t. So, I waited until God showed me that truth in what I would call healing.

And don’t you know, not only was the healing complete within a few weeks at the most, I also recently realized I am no longer afraid of my knee failing or collapsing anymore.

God is good.