“God gave me EVERYTHING I needed and never left off one detail or provision”
/We have spoken so often of not just saying “using Christian Science”; but rather LIVING IT. When living Christian Science every aspect of one’s life is governed by that divine Spirit, including angel messages being delivered throughout the day. The key is: Are we tuned in and listening? Do we obediently follow the angel messages?
When we give time in the morning for prayer and study, we are starting our day by opening thought to nothing else but what God has for us, including his daily plan. The daily prayer includes “give us this day our daily bread.”
Once you receive the inspired thought God doesn’t stop there; he takes it all the way. As I’m sure we have all experienced, some answers are immediate and some require patience and trust as part of the demonstration. The ideas that follow in daily prayer – and even time during the day to tune in and listen – give us next steps to get the idea to completion. God always takes us all the way!
In the past years, as I’ve been forced to trust God’s plan as there were no human answers. I found the first human step I could take was to get up earlier and earlier, devoting time to study and silent prayer, especially in the dark hours of EACH morning BEFORE checking a phone, email, or any other thoughts begin.
With this practice, there have been countless times that God has not only given me the plan but the clear steps to follow to the outcome. I now trust this with certainty.
One such time came in the middle of the pandemic. It was not only for me but also for another one of His children, my dad.
I had moved away from my family home a few years back. Human history had needed to be expunged.
One dark morning I heard so clearly that I needed to make room for my dad. Dread came over me. I knew that God is Love, and to me that thought was not a loving one. I prayed and dug deeper. I knew to trust this voice; it was not my own but God’s angel messages being delivered from God to man (me).
Shortly after this angel message, I began getting phone calls from people who were concerned about my dad. I had been prepared. I checked in with him after each call, and I was chastised for my disrespect and insanity. At one point I looked up after hanging another tongue lashing and said, “Really?”
Obediently, the next morning I sat in silence. The next direction came clearly telling me to get on a plane and go see him. While we were humanly being told to stay home, I found myself getting on an airplane. In a time where I was laid off with no money to travel, the provisions were delivered humanly after each silent prayer. I was obedient.
There were times of deep frustration; answers came one step at a time, and I had no idea of how the story would end. But the daily provisions that accompanied each step were clear and present.
I made the trip without incident or fear. I talked with God throughout the entire trip and was answered clearly and quickly. God covered every little detail like the most proficient event planner I’d ever seen. I truly was going on blind faith – no wait! I was going on proven Science!
As I sat with my dad in his apartment it was immediately clear he could not stay there. I was surrounded by angry people with invoices to pay, letters to answer, and I felt as if I had just stepped into the angry mob. I asked to be excused and went into the bathroom which was my proverbial closet to shut the door from mortal mind’s opinions. I called the practitioner that had been supporting this trip.
I must stop here and acknowledge our loving and amazing practitioners that selflessly support the Christian Science movement and the actions of God’;s children as they move through human conditions. I’m so grateful!
The rest of my trip was reminiscent to me of Jesus moving through the angry mob undetected. I had assessed the situation and knew that my dad, also God’s child, was not in his right place. To have resources simply to live on, I had been waitressing during my layoff. I returned from the trip exhausted to work and quite afraid as I had no idea whatsoever of where provisions would come to help my dad, much less to allow me to take another day off from work to deal with a situation on the other side of the country.
Again, God provided FULLY. Our restaurant closed for quarantine, and once again, I got on a plane obediently using that “time off” to do what God was instructing me to do. Church and Association members with whom I had not spoken in years heard about the situation and provided flight miles and financial gifts to help; they provided EXACTLY (to the penny) what was needed for each trip. Without any fear I flew back and forth while God’s plan unfolded before all of us.
I worked as much as I could to ensure bills would be covered and flew when the restaurant closed. Exhausted one night after a 12-hour shift, I literally got on my knees and asked God what he wanted me to do. I knew I was at a human crossroads. The state in which dad lived was now called in, and I was given a short timeline.
Just as the state was about to take my dad from his home, God revealed the last part of the plan. Another booming voice gave me the name of an old childhood friend I had seen a few years back at a camp cleaning weekend. Obediently I went to my phone and realized I didn’t have his number, but we were Facebook friends. God is even up on technology! I sent him a message, and he called back quickly, revealing that he was part of a Christian Science care facility in my state.
The facility was so loving. I was given permission to bring him to the facility when no one else was admitting patients. We followed all guidelines. Each thought came naturally. Dad could not fly at this point, and he needed to have 14 days in quarantine. God gave me a good laugh as he gave me the idea to drive my dad across the country in an RV!
I quickly started human planning (and less listening). I booked the airline tickets as driving an RV seemed not only funny but impossible. I told my dad the plan, and he refused. I woke up that next morning and was given a clear directive to rent an RV with a bedroom and bathroom. Again, I actually laughed out loud, and looking up I said, “You must think I can do way more than I can to think I can drive him across the country in an RV!” – and 10 days later that was exactly what we did. Funded 100%.
I knew that if God said I could, I would be able to do the drive. The day before I flew out an old friend from my dad’;s area called to see if I needed anything. I joked, “Well I could use some company as I drive my dad across the country in an RV.” Within a second he said, “I have vacation time, I’m in!” Days before the state was going to take my dad he was in his new home, a Christian Science facility.
Eight months later my faith in God’s messages is clear. The needs were HUGE, and everything from power of attorney, money, food, moving of three storage units, and a home, were provided for quickly and completely.
In years past I had the looming thought I might need to deal with this, and it was honestly one of my worst fears. I brought that fear to God. I never let go. I trusted Him although the entire human picture was completely impossible. God gave me EVERYTHING I needed and never left off one detail or provision.
I am grateful not only for my own provisions in a completely impossible human situation but also for the many healings my dad has experienced since being moved into the most loving Christian Science atmosphere.