“…our source of all good is never ending”
/This has been an unusual year. It has required special prayer and support of our branch church. There have been several times this last year when I felt so ill that I didn’t see how I was going to be able to do my part. But each time this mortal thought dispersed into nothingness, and Truth shined through allowing me to fulfill my duties.
Another blessing came as an answer to prayer for our home. Due to a substantial change in income, we felt we would not be able to remain in the home we loved, and which was perfect for our family and our work for Church. We spoke with a realtor to sell our house and started looking for another home. In looking we were listening for Mind’s direction and trying to do what was harmonious. In that search, which lasted two years, it became obvious that we were already in our right place. To me that meant there must be a way to pay for it, because infinite Love provides a complete picture. Several unexpected factors that before seemed implausible became the reality of our experience. That changed everything, and we were able to stay. We are settled in knowing that we are in our right place, and that our source of all good is never ending.