“Healing does take place despite the fact that I’m not a perfect human being”
/The compilation of testimonies sent is a treasure. I find it to be a mental leaven transforming thought with the freshness and power of “What cannot God do?”
In direct response to the first question of our assignment, here are some of the ways in which the reading of the testimonies is making me “feel differently about Christian Science healing and [my] own practice.”
Incurability is a mere, utterly false belief, though sanctioned by material medicine. It is wholly corrected and its testimony destroyed by the Science of Christ. This Science is undeniably practical. This truth gives me greater courage to take cases, assured of the outcome; and why not? I ask myself, since it is all God’s doing.
I realise that healing does take place despite the fact that I am not a perfect human being and my human situation is not totally spiritualised. The Christ, whom Mrs. Eddy discovered and taught in Science and Health, is the “divine influence in human consciousness” (which Jesus so fully embodied) and is equal to any and every case.
I feel encouraged to persist when healing seems to take a while longer, because, as the Scientific Statement of Being states, “matter is the unreal and temporal.” Error has no staying power or substance supporting its existence. It is temporal. It must yield to the truth of spirituality.
The study of the testimonies assures me that my desire and willingness to serve God, in whichever way He points out, brings spiritual understanding.
As I read through, starting from the beginning and reading through to the end as you recommended, I feel energised (the only word I can think of right now). My deepest wish is to heal like Jesus Christ did; and as Mrs. Eddy proved by her own experience, I can, too.
The second question talks about “the serious practicality of Christian Science practice.”
I love that phrase. In the new year I shall certainly send the healing experiences that are coming about as a direct result of this fresh, new view I am gaining.