“I could never be separated from God and God's power…”
/I am very grateful for a recent healing involving my left knee. Many friends have been speaking of their knee problems or of their knee replacement surgery in recent years, and I thought I was being careful not to accept this false picture for them or for myself. However, when a dear friend fell on her knee in October and was diagnosed as having broken her kneecap, I was surprised to discover that I began to experience great discomfort and a mobility problem with one of my knees. This imposition truly came out of nowhere, and I kept reminding myself that “the curse causeless cannot come.” I had to avoid stairs as much as possible (really hard in a two-story house with the washing machine in the basement), and I spent a lot of time taking stairs one step at a time. I was always able to stand and serve as Reader, and I was immensely grateful for the support of a practitioner who had to remind me lovingly from time to time that I was not trying to heal matter. (What a temptation that is – and so persistent!) A particularly helpful thought from Science and Health was “Be firm in your understanding that the Divine Mind governs and that in Science, man reflects God’s government. Have no fear that matter can ache, swell, and be inflamed as the result of a law of any kind, when it is self-evident that matter can have no pain or inflammation.” (p.393) Another truth I clung to was that “Cause does not exist in matter, in mortal mind, or in physical forms.” (P.262)
Although this was not an instantaneous healing, I know that Christian Science heals, and I always expect to be healed. I early saw the wisdom of Mrs. Eddy’s statement, “You must understand your way out of human theories relating to health, or you will never believe that you are quite free from some ailment.” (p.381) I worked to know that I could never be separated from God and God’s power, even for an instant.
Concurrent with my knee situation, I seemed to develop an attention-getting pain in the heel of my right foot (after a friend told me of her having had an injection for arthritis in her heel! – Do I detect a “wandering pollen” problem here?). I had a hard time getting from my car into the grocery store, for example, but I continued to “walk with Love along the way.” The “curse causeless” could not alight here, either. I worked with the thought, “No evidence before the material senses can close my eyes to the Scientific proof that God, good, is supreme.” (Mis. p.277) I was so grateful that I received relief from the knee problem, and then realized that it had disappeared, back to its “native nothingness,” as I always think of it. I am now free of the heel imposition as well and am more alert to the false persuasions of world belief and assured that God is the ONLY power.
I love the following passage from Prose Works, “What am I? I am able to impart Truth, health and happiness, and this is the rock of my Salvation and my reason for existing.” (My. p.165) I see this as my mission and look forward so much to sharing Truth, health, and happiness.