Experiencing Mind’s complete control over a storm
/Last June our daughter was graduating from college and as is often the case, many family members were invited, and the college was more than happy to have everyone in attendance so long as the weather cooperated. If the weather became a problem, the rule was that the graduate could only have two family members in attendance.
As the day approached, the weather forecast was changing daily. In part due to previous experience, I began working, for the sake of everyone involved in the graduation, about the spiritual fact that harmonious weather was a right idea. The day before graduation there was a forecast, not just of rain, but also of severe thunderstorms all morning long. Graduation was to start at 9:30am. Bolstered by several past demonstrations I knew for certain that weather is just a reflection of thought. It is not a real physical thing that somehow Mind doesn’t have control over. I did get help from a practitioner, and we were both clear about Mind’s pre-eminence and that matter must come into submission.
While I really didn’t falter in my confidence that Mind had control, what happened next did amaze me. An invisible, atmospheric “wall” formed about five miles from campus and that stopped the storm clouds from advancing. Now in the state where the college is located, the terrain is quite flat. There are no mountains, or even sizable hills, and in this case not even lakes or large rivers in the path that would somehow explain this “wall”. Typically, storms move across the plains in a line, but this particular morning the advancing line halted at this invisible “wall”. What’s more, the “wall” became a semi-circle with the storm advancing both to the north and to the south of the town. As we drove to campus I was profoundly grateful for the opportunity to witness this great sight, and like Moses’ story in the Bible, I knew I had to ”turn aside“ and recognize what was at work.
As graduates and families were taking their seats there was nothing but clear blue sky, the slightest of breezes, and warm sunshine. For my part, I was so moved by the demonstration regarding the harmony of the day and the weather. I was texting the practitioner and since I had my camera handy and the campus was my alma mater I quickly headed for the tallest building on campus – a seven-story dormitory that had been my home for senior year of college – and got to the top floor to look out from the balcony. From that vantage point I could see the “wall” clearly – the darkest of storm clouds, lightning, rain, and wind – and completely stopped five miles away.
The graduation itself was beautiful. Graduates gave eloquent speeches about the education they had received and the older honorary degree recipients gave short and wise counsel to the new graduates. (Honestly it was the only graduation I’d ever attended that didn’t have boring or tedious speeches.) And all morning the sky remained clear. My aunt, who was in attendance and drove down to campus just a few minutes ahead of us, called and specifically acknowledged that she knew I must have been working about the weather because it was such an obvious demonstration.
When the last five graduates’ names were read, it began to rain. The storm had been held back for roughly three hours. And when the rain did come, there was no lightning or damaging winds. Everyone quickly moved into the tents that had been set up for serving lunch and harmoniously went on with their meals under cover and the rest of their day.
It was an awesome and humbling thing for me to experience Mind’s complete control over the storm.