"Be good and stay out of trouble."
/As my daughter left on a trip in late February, she sweetly said, “Be good and stay out of trouble.” I was not worried about being home alone for the week and proceeded as usual, with practice taking up a large part of my time. One night, around midnight, I really felt I needed to shower before bed. In the shower I felt a bit woozy, held onto the grab bar and apparently went down harder than I thought, knocking my nose on something. I thought, “Be good and stay out of trouble.” Bleeding didn’t alarm me and I consciously knew I had the intelligence and strength of Spirit to resist the picture I refused to look at, and to get up, turn the water off and to wrap my head in a towel. I felt I would need help in patching up whatever was bleeding but decided that prayer was the main thing and got to a safe place with the makeshift bandage, covered my pillow and was able to lie comfortably in bed and continue praying, knowing that God was with me, not trouble.
I slept until 7:30, called a practitioner who assured me she would work for me and called the CS visiting nurse who was at my home in 20 minutes. She got whatever wounds there were cleaned up and bandaged and suggested firmly that I should not be alone that night.
Fear never entered my thought, just gratitude that help was available for what seemed to be needed while healing was being realized. A friend from church stayed with me rather than my going to the BA, and when the visiting nurse came the following day, there was enough progress that she agreed that I could get along on my own until my daughter returned. By the time she got home, both black eyes were returned almost to normal and the following morning, completely normal so she wondered if I had put on makeup. I had not, just a panoply of Love. The face was completely normal.
The testimonies in the Century book reminded me of the complete trust in God that is possible, and this passage on 412 in Science and Health was particularly helpful – “Mentally insist that harmony is the fact, and that sickness is a temporal dream. Realize the presence of health and the fact of harmonious being, until the body corresponds with the normal conditions of health and harmony.”
As with every healing and demonstration of God with us (Immanuel), this one, too, builds the conviction that the Christ is here and that Christian Science does heal.