Proof of how quickly healing can take place
Recently I had another opportunity to prove how quickly healing can take place.
I work as a Christian Science nurse. One Thursday when I had the day off, I awoke feeling unusual, but was unable to explain to my wife what was happening to me. One side of my body felt painful and listless. I could move, though not with a great amount of freedom.
I began to pray for myself by knowing that God had not failed me in the past and wasn’t failing me now. Whatever this was or seemed to be, it had to go.
The next thoughts I had were images of my grandfather and grandmother. I remembered seeing my grandfather confined to a hospital bed for several days with a heart condition. Next came a memory of my grandmother having what was called a “weak heart.” Then another image entered my thought, this one of my cousin, who was found to have a heart condition while in her teens.
Mortal mind was parading a diagnosis, suggesting that I was part of this false lineage, that I was heir to the same type of problem. But how could I be? God’s man always reflects health and wellness, I thought.
As I prayed, two statements from Science and Health came to mind: the definition of heart in the glossary and the statement that we should “learn what is the affection and purpose of the heart…” (S&H 8:29–30). I stayed with these statements for a while. Afterwards, I phoned a Christian Science practitioner, who agreed to support me prayerfully.
At that time all I could dwell on was, how will I be able to go to work in two days? Maybe I’ll have to ask for a lighter schedule at work or even call off work. But I knew that this was another opportunity to trust God and rely on the presence of Love right there, right then, for healing.
When I awoke the next day, I still felt weak on one side. In going out to do errands, I could not pick up the vacuum cleaner that I wanted to drop off for repairs. This didn’t seem right to me, but I didn’t argue for pain and suffering. Instead, I argued that man has never been less than man, so I had a right to be free from this sense of weakness.
Saturday came quickly, and I awoke and dressed for work. I was still wondering, Should I ask for a work schedule that it isn’t too physically demanding? I did not need to worry. When I got to work I had a very light schedule, less demanding than what I could even have asked for! So I worked my shift, forgetting about the whole matter.
Sunday came and went, Monday came and went. I hadn’t talked to the practitioner, although I kept meaning to call. I finally called her on Wednesday. I told her of the healing and she said, “Well, I knew you must have had a healing because I hadn’t heard from you!” We both rejoiced in the quick healing that had come about in only a few treatments.
I am so grateful for being able to share this healing. The love and gratitude coming forth in my experience are greater than I’ve experienced for quite some time. My gratitude for being part of this Association is beginning to grow anew, both outward and upward in my experience.