“As she walked away from my home, she said she felt peace for the first time in six months”

About three months ago, a new cleaner started to work in my flat. She’s a nice, friendly lady from Sri Lanka.

After she had cleaned my place a couple of times, she saw my Lesson books. At the end of the third session, she asked me if I was Christian. When I said yes, she asked if I would pray for her. I said yes, of course. Then she broke down in tears and told me that six months earlier her husband had left her. Ever since then, she had been in a terrible state, crying every day, going to a local evangelical church regularly and getting down on her knees, asking God and Jesus to help her and to send her husband back to her. She kept calling her husband on the phone, but he either didn’t answer or was nasty to her, which made her worse.

As she cried, I cuddled her and turned to God for what to say to help. I then told her of something that had occurred to me a while back: The love we feel from other people is like sunshine streaming in through a window and bouncing off a mirror. We might think that the light comes from the mirror, but it actually comes from the sun. I said that love is of God and God is everywhere, so she could never be out of that love.

I also mentioned Elijah in the cave, when God’s message was not in the hurricane, the lightning, or the earthquake, but in the still small voice. Elijah had to get very quiet and listen for what God was telling him rather than telling God what he wanted. I said that God always knows best what we need, as she herself knew from her own worship, and that we need to get very quiet to hear His voice and receive what He is giving.

I can’t remember what else I said, but I know I mentioned Jesus and Paul and how complete they felt because they knew God’s love so totally.

She quieted down. As she left, I promised to pray further. A few days later, she told me that as she walked away from my home, she felt peace for the first time in six months. 

A couple of weeks ago, she told me that she feels much happier and has not cried once since we talked. Her husband has started to call her sometimes and is mostly much nicer to her. She now doesn’t mind whether he calls or not, as she has her own peace.

I was impressed by this quick healing, as her simple acceptance of the fact of God’s all-presence brought light immediately. Having struggled with some things for so long myself, I saw the need for more purity of heart to accept these truths in the same total manner.