“How I can stay in the practice.”

I sometimes think about how I can stay in the practice. I know that people are practitioners for decades (I have been for almost two decades) so it isn’t the time I’m wondering about. But how can I stay tender-hearted and fresh? How can I continue to want to answer the phone? Or how can I stay alert? How can my faith stay unfeigned and honest, instead of habitual? I think that healing is the only thing that does this.
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"Murphy's law" rewritten

On a Sunday morning earlier this spring, I awoke at 9:06 a.m. and jumped out of bed. Because my son is Sunday School superintendent, we aim at arriving at church a half hour before the service. To accomplish this, we need to leave no later than 9:45.

I quickly splashed cold water on my face, collected my hairbrush, curling iron, and hand mirror and returned to my bedroom to get ready for church. I plugged in the curling iron and put the handle of the iron on top of a nearby heater, which left the heating barrel of the curling iron sticking out in space.

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“I’d just been given the gift of seeing my father’s real self”

I have been studying all the references and would like to share a couple of healings with you.

The first involves my father, who passed away a few months ago. I could go into great detail about how he kept his children (plus their spouses, various caregivers, medical personal, etc.) busy 24/7 catering to his incessant demands and nasty behavior, but I’ll spare you that laundry list of complaints. What happened the night before Dad passed on changed my view of him—and people in general, to be honest.

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I really wasn't sure what to do in the situation but Love showed me the way

There are some healings in the practice this year that have meant a lot to me. One is the healing of a long-time member of our church who has become a good friend. She has turned fairly regularly to medicine in recent years, and she was making arrangements to go to an assisted living home. She had been in her apartment for thirty years, and the move was looming large to her. She called me at one point after police had shown up because a friend couldn’t get her on the telephone and had called them. She wasn’t able to get out of bed, and the police really wanted to take her to the hospital but she refused. She wanted me to pray for her.
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“Love is contagious, only Love!”

I wanted to share with you an interesting healing experience we had in our family. A few months after attending last year’s Association meeting, I received a text from my daughter. She had recently moved to another state and was working from the home that she shared with a friend and her young son. The text was asking me to pray. A very strange looking rash had appeared on her body and was spreading very quickly. I took up the work.
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God is the Greatest Physician

Earlier this morning I read the following in a testimony from the Feb. 11, 2013 Sentinel: “Remember, you are not the battlefield upon which Truth and error are fighting it out.”

These inspirational words were from a CS practitioner to the writer of the testimony. The testifier went on to say she was completely healed by the next morning as she “…simply and joyfully let this conviction govern (her) thought for the remainder of the evening…”)

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"I was completely well! Not just good, but great!"

As you know, I have been really loving reading, but about a month ago I started sniffling during the service (this had happened before). This was sort of at the height of the media frenzy about the flu, and I felt really embarrassed and ashamed about sniffling on the platform as I read. I did keep praying, and one thing that was very helpful to me at that moment was knowing that the congregation was supporting the service as well…
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Something about practitioners being warriors

I had two healings during a recent trip. The first involved the symptoms of a heavy head cold that appeared to have taken charge in the middle of the night. Although I was visiting extended family, I was feeling alone and a bit afraid. I turned to the week’s Bible Lesson and read it through and found after this reading that the fear was gone. This was helpful to me. But I still seemed quite challenged by the symptoms. I also knew I would be traveling the day after by train and tried to imagine having to deal with this sort of thing with so many people around and little privacy. The thought kept coming that I should call a practitioner. But I kept dismissing it. For one thing, it was in the middle of the night.
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"An experience that defied material law"

Over the years, I have found Christian Science to be all that Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of this Science of Jesus Christ, claims it to be. I would like to share an experience I had, that defied material law, to prove, not only the supremacy, but the absolute totality of God’s law, to meet any, every and all human need.

Several years ago, as I prepared to send my child for higher education, I realised that it would be quite an expensive venture, even though, at the time, I had a pretty decent job…

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“I woke the next morning healed, fresh and looking forward to my adventure”

I almost had to call a practitioner last August with an intestinal problem. I have no idea what the medical name or cause was, absolutely refused to “go there,” and one after another strange problem would be presented for acceptance. I did not keep records (only mortal history) but it probably lasted a couple of weeks. I casually mentioned it to someone and she matter-of-factly mentioned handling “time” and “fear.” Among thoughts attacking was the feeling of being alone…
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“It became clear to me that there is no such thing as unrelenting punishment.”

The 23rd Psalm has been a large help to me on several occasions. Those phrases, “The Lord is my shepherd,” or “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil” are perhaps as well known as the Lord’s Prayer. This is the psalm, also, that Mary Baker Eddy comes back to at the end of her chapter called “The Apocalypse” in Science and Health, in which she explicates the vastness of this venture called Christian Science which each one of us is trying to understand.
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"Heartfelt genuine abandonment to God"

I don’t know when I first thought this but maybe a year or two ago I was watching a news item involving a local Mosque and rolling my eyes at the rows of men bowing, kneeling and chanting. Then suddenly it occurred to me that actually what is behind kneeling and bowing low is very good and something I needed to do. In its purest sense it’s a manifestation of really bowing to, yielding to, honouring God, and throwing off all supposed personal abilities or will, I think.
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