“God had prepared me to take this particular case.”

A few days before Christmas, I got a call for Christian Science treatment from a very concerned dad.  His five-year-old son had fallen from the balcony of the third floor of a building.  The need was urgent.  I began praying right away, first for myself, to clear thought of the possible outcomes and repercussions mortal mind was presenting, also to be clear that the case was protected in divine Mind, because the dad is a medical doctor.  I handled the belief that suggested the evidence of healing being delayed or dependent on time.  I am always grateful that you mentioned at one Association meeting, that when a case involves a child, there is a need to take it up as a priority. 

As I began to work things out prayerfully, the fact that an hour or so before the call, the thought had come to specifically pray about a balcony fall, assured me that God had prepared me to take this particular case, as it says in Proverbs 16:1.  I went forward, fear conquered, confident in God’s perfect and harmonious disposal of events.  I thought about the Bible account of a similar fall from the third loft, while Paul was preaching, and the healing that followed. (Acts 20) 

The dad stayed in close touch.  Progress was immediate, with the boy becoming calm and, as I saw it, receptive to Truth.  There was evidence of a problem with movement, but by the following day, his dad reported that the pain had lessened considerably, although his son was experiencing difficulty walking.  By evening he was walking with help. The day after he was climbing up and down the stairs but with a bit of a limp. 

I insisted on complete and permanent healing as the standard of Christ Jesus and his Science, and encouraged the dad not to settle for anything less.  He was greatly encouraged by the quick evidence of progress.  On Christmas Eve, the dad reported that his son was recovered sufficiently to join the family on a planned family trip.  There was not a vestige of the problem left.  The dad called two days later to express gratitude for a very, very happy Christmas.  He acknowledged that his son was healed through Christian Science treatment.  He is undertaking a study of Science and Health, by Mrs. Eddy