Two Healings
/My husband and I were at our favorite lunch place and heard an employee complaining about a horrible headache she was having and the terrible medical procedure she was to face if it didn’t yield. At the checkout line I leaned in close and asked if she wanted me to pray for her and she responded immediately in the affirmative. I didn’t get to eating right away, because ideas just rushed right in. As we were leaving she saw us and shouted a thank-you in a big booming voice.
I had been dealing with hemorrhaging and faintness, so I spoke with the Administrator at the care facility where I work. She reminded me that the man at the pool of Bethesda had a choice to make (to be whole). He needed to stop outlining how he was to be healed and stop ruminating about how no one would help him. Jesus’ question, “Wilt thou be made whole?” (John 5:6) helped him realize that his healing was merely his own decision to let rehearsal, stewing, and “pity-pattying” go and just accept his present perfection. I decided (as a Christian Scientist) to be made whole. Immediately the hemorrhaging stopped and has never been out of control since.