“This resurrection experience was still with me and going before me. You could say, preparing the way.”

It was a beautiful Easter morning with my grandchildren.  They were looking forward with anticipation to their new Sunday School experience at The Mother Church.  I was hoping the story of the “risen Christ” would set the spiritual tone for the day.  But little did I know that I would be having a resurrection day. 

After I dropped the children at Sunday School, my phone rang.  It was my daughter-in-law, who explained that my former husband of many years ago had left their home just a few minutes earlier to drive to Beacon Hill to ensure he had a parking space!  This was a completely unexpected change from the original family plans.  I was expecting to meet him at my son and daughter-in-law’s home for Easter dinner with the grandchildren.  And after the Easter activities, he would take them to Boston.  Now I would have to drive back to Boston, which would delay my previously scheduled plans for the rest of the day.  And instead of a peaceful transition for the grandchildren, it meant more tiring time in the car.

You see, my former husband and I were sharing the duties of caring for our grandchildren.  We had a long contentious history, before and after the divorce, 45 years to be exact!  The main issue was his hatred for Christian Science.   He was often unpleasant to be around.  There usually were no kind words for me, although he was on better behavior, when he was in a group of people.  So as I thought about all the ramifications of meeting him alone in Boston with my grandchildren, unstoppable tears began to flow as the church service began.  I was trying so hard to control my emotions, but to no avail.   Fear of this usually very difficult kind of situation held my attention.  Listening to this wonderful service on “Reality,” wasn’t happening.  I was in the tomb of self-pity.  How could I stay in that state?  Where was I really?  Then it occurred to me as I looked around I was in the most consecrated place on earth, “our prayer in stone.”  And those Christian Scientists present and those who had come before us had built and in a sense were continuing to build this magnificent structure through their trials and tribulations as well as their joys and triumphs of demonstration!  Demonstrations of Christ-healing!!!  Like Mary outside the tomb, I began to discern God’s presence with me.  This upwelling of Love came over me almost by surprise.  It was dramatically different from all that I had just been feeling.  The words from the Bible-Lesson came to life and touched my consciousness, breaking me open to receive the blessing of the “risen Christ.”

It was at that moment all of the children from Sunday School poured into the auditorium.  They were coming to sing the last hymn with us.  Tears came again, but not with self-pity.  Far from it, they were tears of joy!   We were all one body of living Love.  After the service, I quickly went on our way to the Easter gathering.  The children were happy meeting with other family members and enjoying the Easter dinner and playing.   It was a very sweet time together.

Then the time came to depart for Boston and I remembered Love’s presence in The Mother Church that morning.   As I drove, I continued to pray until I felt dominion.   This resurrection experience was still with me and going before me.  You could say, preparing the way. 

When we arrived, my former husband asked me to stay a few minutes.  He seemed a different man.  He was kind and soft-spoken not controlling or angry.  He asked some anxious questions about the grandchildren.  I reassured him they had been very good with me and they would be good for him.  It became obvious to me in those few moments that those 45 years were based on fear he had entertained.  It had taken over his life.  However, in that moment in Mind as I held to the real man of Love’s making I saw before me not a man of fear given to abuse and anger, but God’s man, God’s likeness.   Mrs. Eddy’s words from Miscellaneous Writings illumine this experience,

    “It is the purpose of divine Love to resurrect the understanding, and the kingdom of God, the reign of harmony already within us. Through the word that is spoken unto you, are you made free.   Abide in His word, and it shall abide in you; and the healing Christ will again be made manifest in the flesh — understood and glorified.”  (Mis 154:16)