“...who is my physician? Is God not much more able to care for me than any man?”

Last December in a swimming pool I ran my head into a glass door. I wanted to leave but some people came to help me and told me of a deep cut on my forehead. One person told me, he has experience with this: “This wound will have to have stitches or at least be closed using staples by a physician.” Soon there came an employee of the swimming pool called by other guests. He apparently was trained in medicine and went with me into another room. He told me they would fetch my clothes and call an ambulance to bring me to the hospital to be cared for by the physicians. He dressed the wounds and wanted to phone the ambulance.

The thought came to me, let it happen then, all people will feel satisfied about the situation. But then a second thought came, who is my physician? Is God not much more able to care for me than any man?

I was grateful for the help of the people there. I thanked the employee for all his care and said that I will be fine and do not need the ambulance.

He answered that this is would not be wise and told me a long list of threatening things that could happen when I would not immediately be cared for in the hospital not only because of the wounds but also because of my hard crash with the door. I had to fill out a piece of paper with my personal data and stating that the swimming pool had no responsibility for my refusal of medical care. I asked him whether it was possible to go to a quiet room to think about it. And he agreed on this.

Lying in the quiet room being grateful to be on my own I must admit I had a dazed feeling, not because of the crash or the wounds but because of the long list I had to listen about these threatening things that could happen to me if I gave not my consent to be cared for in the hospital.

It was clear for me that all behind it was a great fear of the people. It was important for me to see that God cares for me and that I could trust him. 

I tried to handle every point on this list in my thinking remembering what God was telling me about it. 

So I stated i.e. that God is my life and so I could not lose consciousness the next hours because of the crash. God is All-in-All so there can be no imperfection in His image. This means there can no ugly scars be parts of His image. I remembered what Mrs. Eddy tells us about accidents that they are unknown to God (S&H p. 424). And so I thought they are also unknown to me, it did not happen there can be no aftereffects.

On page 397 in Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy declares that our thoughts are more powerful than the accident and continues: “Now reverse the process. Declare that you are not hurt and understand the reason why, and you will find the ensuing good effects to be in exact proportion to your disbelief in physics...”

I became very quiet about the situation and then decided to leave for home. 

I was much comforted when arriving home and opening the Bible and read in Jer.  17, 5,7: “Cursed is the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arm…Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. ”

I was very grateful that a Journal-listed Christian Science nurse was available the next day to care for the wounds professionally.

Two days later when there was a need to change the bandage it was the first time I saw the wounds. They were closed already very naturally. Two weeks later nothing could be seen on my face. So, as it always has been in reality.

When I came back to the swimming pool a guest remembered me and asked about my wounds. I told him to look and he could not see anything.

I am grateful for God’s care.