“…consistent and reliable results -- in every nook and cranny of my experience!”

Since the Association last May, I could write many pages on all the blessings, healings and opportunities to demonstrate Christian Science.  The church I serve in a downtown location is steadily growing and attracting many newcomers to Science — and some who have returned after years. 

I’ve steadily received calls for practice work and have seen wonderful results in healing and introducing Christian Science to new seekers.  In the weeks and months after Association, I’ve been challenged on many fronts: financial, physical, work, as well as at church.  It has seemed like a series of precision attacks aimed directly at the “grace to go forward” ideas delivered in May. 

I’m happy to say, each challenge has been, is and continues to be met through steady devotion of thought to the Truth in a way I’ve never come close to consistently proving prior.  The further exploration and practice of this incomparable Science, and laying one’s earthly all on the divine minute-by-minute, is engendering a strength and confidence solely through Love (and obedient trust)—not buoyed or reinforced by material accomplishments, career successes or worldly accretion.  It’s a confidence I always desired but never knew quite how to obtain.  It’s been a getting-self-out-of-the-way unfoldment of meekness and stillness (“stationary power, stillness, and strength” Ret., p. 93) that has manifested very consistent and reliable results — in every nook and cranny of my experience!

I wanted to especially thank you and the Association for sharing the fruitage of all of those who are discovering and demonstrating healing in the diverse ways that have been sent to us.  Some of these accounts have almost exactly paralleled my own and have given insight beyond.  And the accounts of those in other branch churches, and the work they’re accomplishing, have been wonderfully meaningful.