“I became willing just to get out of the way and listen…”
/The assignment to “go and heal” was certainly right. I had not been successful in this to date, so I decided to start fresh with “Know thyself, and God will supply the wisdom and the occasion for a victory over evil.” (S&H 571:16-18) I printed this out and kept it on my desk as I studied the chapter, “Christian Science Practice” from Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy. I really stayed with it and became willing just to get out of the way and listen for what He had in Mind! Little did I know.
One morning I received a somewhat frantic call from an acquaintance, asking if I could come to the house right then to talk with her. Apparently things had come to a head over the weekend, and a family member’s anger and threats of suicide that morning had been quite disturbing.
This was not what I expected - my first reaction was “I’m not prepared for this,” but God literally pushed me right back on the phone and I heard myself making arrangements to visit. When I hung up, two things became apparent: First, this was no random event – I had awoken unusually early that morning with a very clear thought, and had taken advantage of it by starting the week’s Bible lesson, continuing my own ongoing study, and was on the Association readings when the call came – I was prepared! Second, the next citation in the Association readings was just what was needed for this call (Section Three, Mis. 282: 1: “You are going out to demonstrate a living faith, a true sense of the infinite good, a sense that does not limit God, but brings to human view an enlarged sense of Deity. Remember, it is personality, and the sense of personality in God or in man, that limits man.”) It gave me the courage to make the visit.
It was a very short visit. I had no preconceived idea what to say, but strongly remember knowing I was going there with God – it was the first time I could palpably feel God’s presence and my total trust in Him. I met with the family member, and it was a “melting moment” – it was clear that Love beyond any human sense was talking, and the young woman felt it as did I. Before leaving, I offered to “work” for her if she so desired (I had never done this before).
Within an hour of arriving home, I received an extraordinary thank you text and later that afternoon I received another text asking if I would work for her.
I am learning so much in this process – and whether it is the first of many or just the one case I will ever take, I am most grateful – it is teaching me practically how to step aside and let God direct each step of the way.
Regarding further development, I have also had a number of requests for help from others. I recall in class the discussion that God connects the patient and the practitioner – this has been so true in all of these cases. It is evident that we are never given work for which we are not ready.
Regarding “readiness”, there seems to be much going on at the moment regarding this issue. It can only be described as a God-directed process of “clearing one’s thought” - almost a making “straight the way” for what ever is the next step. This must be part of the “unselfing” needed and while not always comfortable, if one is honest, it always has to do with thoughts that need healing.