“I refuse to believe ANY of this.”
/One day a few weeks ago, as I was preparing to leave for the grocery, I had a great burning sensation in my lower body. I checked and it was turning red. I put fear aside. Then the thought came to check again and I found a wasp in my clothing.
I carefully shook it onto the floor and stepped on it. At that point I felt I had done the wrong thing and was ashamed, because the wasp was innocent, but so was I, in God’s eyes.
I went to the grocery and as I was checking out I started coughing. By the time I got home the coughing was out of control.
I prayed, knowing that God, divine Love doesn’t know anything about pain or coughing and that Truth was in complete control. The coughing ended.
Then I started itching and felt hives appearing all over my body. I prayed, “I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.” (Ps. 56:4) At that moment I remembered my niece, who was frightened of bees in my garden, telling me of her being taken to the hospital after being stung. I needed to stand porter at the door of thought. The itching started to lessen, but then sharp pains began in my chest, then in my back. I thought, “Get thee behind me, Satan.” (Luke 4:8) I refuse to believe any of this.
Then the pain left. But later when my son came, I found my voice was completely gone. We both held to the truth and ate dinner together. By the end of the evening my voice was normal. By the next day the itching was gone and the healing complete.
Several years ago, I was stung by bees and was afraid and called a practitioner for help, but this time there was no fear, and like Jesus, I made “deep and conscientious protests of Truth.” (S&H p. 12)
I’ve just completed my term as First Reader and my son recently had class instruction. “My cup surely runneth over.”
I am not quite half-way through the reading assignment of the 1943 Sentinel testimonies. What amazing proofs of Christian Science being the only healer.