“…then his kind, outspoken hygienist chimed in, ‘She is going to pray about this, which might make a difference, doctor,’”
/I am immeasurably grateful to share a healing, which culminated yesterday, when I returned to my new dentist's office, to have a second x-ray taken, at my request. Whereas the first x-ray argued that I had a back molar which was "developing a serious infection,"... with quite a noticeable hole, caused by... to quote the dentist "bacteria eating away at this tooth." Our new dentist further stated that food had gotten in, around a crown which had been "poorly installed" by our former dentist, thus causing infection to set in, the proof of which was pointed out to me in images caught on the x-ray. I calmly asked this gentleman what steps he would recommend, to which he stated: that I undergo a root canal, and that although he generally would perform this surgery, he would refer me to a specialist, as the damage was going on very deep in the tooth, and he felt it was a tricky job. I asked when, and he replied, “as soon as possible”, to which I said,
"Well, I would like to give this some thought". And then his kind, outspoken hygienist chimed in, unsolicited by me: "She is going to pray about this, which might make a difference, doctor," He asked me if I were allergic to antibiotics, to which I said, “I don't know, as have never taken any.”
This hygienist and I had been talking about prayer, as she was cleaning my teeth; specifically about how time and again we each have had many instances in our lives where we knew prayer had helped better the situation. (She is a practicing Catholic, lifelong.)
Note: after the first x-ray was taken, I came right home and prayed, declaring to myself several times daily, "There is no infection in Perfection!" – my own words, yet inspired from a lifetime of applying the truths of Christian Science, to any adverse situation.
I sensed the necessity of "agree(ing) with (my) adversary quickly, while (I was) in the way with him." (paraphrase of Matthew 5:25, from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount) And, I sensed the necessity of not placing any blame whatsoever, on our first dentist, whom my husband and I had come to like very much over the course of about ten years using his services. I felt, on the contrary, a need to take it further, and reaffirm prayerfully our first dentist's innocency, and completeness as God's idea, just as I was/ am.
The day after the initial x-ray, I called a Christian Science practitioner, to pray with me, about this situation. I stopped work with her a little over a week later, saying I was going to keep praying to affirm, AND REAFFIRM my status as God's idea, created in His image and likeness, whole, completely good, uncompromised in this depiction!
Two days later, I called to request a second x-ray of the tooth in question, and had that x-ray, with its liberating result! The so-called infection had returned to its "native nothingness", and there was/ is no need for a root canal, only for the hole to be filled, which the dentist deems a straightforward job.
Mary Baker Eddy states, in her chapter "Physiology”, Science and Health: "Human birth, growth, maturity, and decay are as the grass springing from the soil with beautiful green blades, afterwards to wither and return to its native nothingness. This mortal seeming is temporal; it never merges into immortal being, but finally disappears, and immortal man, spiritual and eternal, is found to be the real man." (SH 190:14)