Healing of Autism

I had lunch with a very dear friend yesterday who was quite distraught. She is the grandmother of a dear little boy who, despite being sociable, bright, and able, has been labeled as autistic. I always keep him and my friend in my prayers, because I know that this is not the truth about him, and that they are both spiritual. (My friend left the Catholic church and is no longer a churchgoer.)

When his little brother was born, doctors told the parents that he had a 25% chance of being autistic as well, and the family has been very fearful about this. My friend told me that the previous night before our lunch, her son called to say that he had stopped talking, stopped walking, and did not recognize his mother when she picked him up at day care. Also, that the children scream at each other at mealtimes, when they wake up, and at bed time, and the family is full of stress and anxiety. My friend was so sad and fearful and seemed to be resigned to this horrible diagnosis and situation. (This is the friend who sent me an email when I was at Association in April saying, ‘Just had an ultrasound. Clots completely gone. Technician was surprised. So relieved!’) I told her not to give up and said I would ‘beam good thoughts’ his way and ‘keep him in the light, as the Quakers say.’ She was happy to hear this, and encouraged me to hold him in my thoughts, and I felt I left her better than I found her.

I just found an email from her that I want to share with you:

‘Where to start! Please keep doing whatever you are doing. Lovely FaceTime with [her son] this evening. He was with the younger son, and [his wife with the other son]. Seemed relaxed. The younger son seemed totally ‘normal’. Learned he’s had teething problems plus minor cold issues.

They have employed someone to help in the evenings!!!!!! I believe she is an elementary school teacher who has experience working with special needs children. Awesome! I didn’t ask any more questions. [Her son] joked that the kids were perfect this evening. I have to wonder if the dynamic had changed just with her there. It’s awesome no matter what.

A relief for now anyway. I trust you have contributed to this and I imagine you can hear me exhale.’

Well, I know that the kids are perfect right now and always. I'm SO grateful for this wonderful development!