One branch church and one year's list of testimonies
/Just wanted to let you know that for the last year I have been making a note of testimonies given in my branch church in London. I haven’t been to every Wednesday meeting, but the major part of them.
Every now and then I give members an update of some of the testimonies that they have given to remind them that healings are happening in the movement.
Yesterday I read out a list (not complete by any means) of testimonies that were given over the last 12 months. I thought you would like to see them too. Some are old (people telling of a healing they had had as a child, etc.) and some are from visitors, but most are from members of our church (not large).
Someone healed in minutes after a serious fall down the stairs
Long sightedness healed
Cold symptoms healed
Worrying and upsetting symptoms healed by listening to Science and Health on the internet
Burnt hand from scalding water and sauce healed within hours
Persistent severe pains in arm and hand healed over a weekend
Headache healed by singing hymns
Healed of a fall on the way to an interview
Child healed of bad fall at school immediately by her own prayer
Teeth cavities and gum disease healed
Healing of an internal pain when waking up
Older lady given up by doctors healed overnight by a dedicated practitioner. Family members became Christian Scientists because of it.
Friend with a skin problem who is not a Scientist. Church member prayed to see his perfection and doctor's verdict was clear and no problem found.
Someone with half his side going numb and unable to move or walk. Healed in ten days and the problem never recurred.
Lady unable to move a day or so after giving birth. Working with Mrs. Eddy’s hymns healed her.
Swelling around the ears and teeth healed. Doctors said she had to have an operation.
Knew that there is nothing that can be created outside of Mind. Healed in two or three hours.
Child healed of severe ear pain in half an hour.
Bad eyesight healed in s few days
Back pain and partial paralysis healed to enable someone to go on holiday with large suitcases
Pain in the body dissolved after a few days by working with Soul
Internal lump healed by feeling God's presence and a spiritual sense of home.
Family member rushed to hospital with serious problem. Discharged the next day after CSt knew that God gives us so much good.
Painful Growth behind the ear healed by asserting God as divine Principle and man has dominion
Malaria healed
Second birth harmonious through working with hymns after problematic first birth
Hair loss reversed
Child testimony – nosebleed
Recurrence of migraine healed
Recurring body pains over two weeks healed
Sore head and ear healed
Hay fever symptoms healed
Stomach pains healed
Painful right arm healed and then painful left arm healed. Both so painful they couldn’t be moved
Child’s broken collar bone healed
Broken toe healed
Painful arm healed overnight when person couldn’t even hold a mug
Wrist fracture healed
Finger stung by wasp healed in ten minutes and multiple wasp stings healed over 24 hours
Age-related knee pains healed after persistent prayerful work
Inability to lift up an arm healed
Illness from climbing a mountain healed by love of Christ Jesus
Undiagnosed disease that rendered the person unable to move regularly, healed after a couple of weeks
Man in another branch church having a seizure during a service. Members prayed for him and the readers continued to read. The man was helped home and came back a few weeks later healed of that and of a desire to die which he had had on that day
Weariness and throat problems healed through sticking to God’s all power and the passage in Isaiah “they that wait upon the Lord shall mount up on eagles' wings”
Severe chest pains healed by constantly declaring the truth of the scientific statement of being.
Painful headache healed through truthful identification of self as spiritual
Problem with spine healed by holding to passage from "Christian Science Practice"
Failing sight healed
Worrying dizziness healed in a Sunday service
Two serious mouth conditions healed
Eight cases of flu healed
Eating problem healed when someone forgave
Breathing difficulty healed twice
Guidance in the Vietnam war that took the platoon away from unknown danger and discovering a cache of weapons, food, and plans to by enemy in attacking their base. Then spiritual guidance to deploy from s different angle which enabled them to defend against an attack from the enemy.
Key lost and suddenly found after appealing to Mind
Mobile phone problem healed
Aggressive man verbally abusing someone. Became quiet and helpful within minutes responding to prayer
Fear of giving speech overcome--and it was successful
Being sent to India to work spiritualised by knowing she was going to "the land of Christian Science"
Someone’s wallet stolen in holiday including visa. Work done while sorting it out made them more patient and seeing man as he really is. Doing this work led to a skin condition cleared up and eyesight improved.
Fear at sea in a thunderstorm healed and calm restored to the sea
Parents calmed and situation resolved at school in America on lockdown
Wartime rescue of someone in he middle of the sea with darkness falling and an icy wind
Someone protected on the highway when a wheel fell off
Someone healed of a fear of wasps, to the point where wasps became her friends
Inharmonious work relationship healed
Finding credit card details abroad
Man intervened and stopped a couple of men beating each other up. Men stopped as the Cst prayed and spoke, and divine Mind broke the mesmeric hold of hate.
From a prison chaplain
Prisoner new to CS prayed about family situation where they had no money and wife was offered a job in a more affordable area