"What was cured then can be cured now. What was nothing then is nothing now.
/What a wonderful gift is this collection of testimonies bearing witness to Truth!! Every time I pick it up, I want to continue reading—on and on.
I’m halfway through my fourth in-depth sequential reading of the booklet. The childlikeness of the five-year-old youngster who simply told her little sister, “My body fell, but I am not in my body. Can God’s child fall?” is beautiful (C.E.M., Journal, July 1898; p. 77).
I’ll admit that in the past I have shied away from some of the more radical testimonies in the periodicals. The challenges that people wrote about seemed just too difficult to face. And yet, when I was training and working as a Christian Science nurse, I never minded the challenges—just loved doing the work. This collection has made me face up to the difficulties of the challenges met by these people and to acknowledge that all things are possible to God.
Yes, I do feel differently about Christian Science healing and my own practice of Christian Science after reading them, and it’s a good thing!
I have been deeply humbled by reading these testimonies. In fact, every testimony points to areas in my thought needing prayerful treatment. I see clearly the need for much deeper consecration and prayer on my part to come even close to what Mrs. Eddy expected us to do and what those early Christian Scientists were doing. I’m just grateful to have the Bible and our Leader’s writings available to lead the way. It’s time to keep on climbing!
Still, it’s thrilling to see how others have proved so conclusively the healing power of God. Mrs. Eddy states flatly, “Impossibilities never occur” (S&H 245:27). These healings did occur, along with many others, that are, as you say, not mentioned and are still happening today. Surely God’s power has not lessened. We have a lot of waking up to do!