“Anyone who has the pure desire to heal can heal.”
/As a result of reading the compilation of healings you gave us for our assignment, I have found a diligence in my approach to healing that I haven’t had in the past. I am more willing to work and to stick with it. I can see that it is consistency of thought that brings about healing that is instantaneous—whether it takes one minute or a decade to get to that instant.
Also, I am more willing to take on healing. I have found myself offering to pray, because I can see more clearly that anyone who has the pure desire to heal can heal. The compilation shows it’s the listening and pure trust in God that pave the way for healings of any and every sort. It brings out the simplicity of healing. The majority of the healings aren’t the result of advanced metaphysical prowess, but of childlike reliance on God’s all-powerful goodness.
In a more general way, I have become much more focused on Christian Science and my duty to it. I am making more time for God and feeling His presence in everyday ways. I am using the periodicals more thoroughly and picking up Christian Science literature instead of best-sellers for my bedtime reading. There is so much to read and to absorb! I read the Violet Hay book from Longyear after I read Paths of Pioneer Christian Scientists. More inspiration along the same lines as your compilation.
Also, partly because he sees me working harder, I think my husband has felt an increasing trust in God. He has asked for prayer from a practitioner and has been reading the Bible and Science and Health.
Thank you again for the book you gave us. It is such a treasure trove of inspiration, and it keeps on giving.