“It feels like the walls of resistance to using Christian Science…are cracking”

1. Thank you so much for this assignment. The compilation of testimonies sounds like a wake-up call as to the possibilities of Christian Science healing. And this “bugle call” of physical healing is made by a band of trumpets! It reminds me of Joshua’s band—after the trumpets sounded, they all shouted together to bring the walls down. Maybe our shouting will be our subsequent demonstrations and our reports of them.

For me, the testimonies prove that there are no human circumstances that haven’t submitted to the demonstration of God’s power. I’ve been encouraged by the fact that what I have to use—Christian Science—is up to the challenge. It feels like the concrete walls of resistance to using Christian Science and believing that I am a practitioner are cracking.


2. The other day while washing dishes after dinner, I was wondering when I would be able to apply what I have been learning from reading these testimonies. I knew that just asking for an opportunity would bring one, and it did.

At that moment I felt a pain in my groin area that I had never felt before. Soon after, the angel message of “perfect Love casteth out fear” came to me in a new way, stressing Love instead of love. It made me realize that what would cast out fear for this healing wasn’t my personal power of love, but the Love that is God. And without any will-power of my own, the pain left.

Over the next couple of days when I periodically felt the pain again, I was reassured that Love was still the healer and would take care of the issue. The problem hasn’t recurred since then.