“My consciousness ascended above the fear and I was free”
/Last year I was elected First Reader. In my first month of reading, I fainted during the last part of the service on two Wednesday evenings in succession. After that, I was faced with mortal mind’s magnetic belief of fear and wondered if I could fulfill this obligation.
With the help of a practitioner, I was healed of the fear of fainting at the desk. The practitioner told me to remember the three Hebrew captives who were thrown into the fiery furnace but had no repercussions from the experience. He reminded me that God gave me perfect balance.
When I was asked to contribute my idea, I said that God sustains my being. I also remembered and prayed with Mrs. Eddy’s statement in Science and Health: “The head, heart, lungs, and limbs do not inform us that they are dizzy, diseased, consumptive, or lame. If this information is conveyed, mortal mind conveys it. Neither immortal and unerring Mind nor matter, the inanimate substratum of mortal mind, can carry on such telegraphy; for God is ‘of purer eyes than to behold evil,’ and matter has neither intelligence nor sensation.” (S&H 243:16)
As I prayed with these ideas, my consciousness ascended above the fear and I was free.
It is now my tenth month of reading and I have had no recurrence. I have enjoyed good health and have been able to serve every Sunday and Wednesday.