“Christ ‘lighting my path.’”
/From our study references: “Oh, may you feel this touch – it is not the clasping of hands, nor a loved person present; it is more than this: it is a spiritual idea that lights your path!” (Mis. 306:26-28)
I know exactly this feeling. I was standing in line in a food court getting lunch. Opposite me was a florist shop with beautiful fresh blooms. Flowers bring so many memories of my Mom. She loved gardening and flower arranging. Her garden was always beautiful and later when she lived in a condo she and I became the flower committee at church.
These thoughts ran through my head. But instead of being sad, I felt a rush of love, a presence of divine Love surrounding me and lifting my thought Spiritward. I knew right then that Mom was loved and was journeying on, and that life was eternal. There in the busy-ness of the day in this very public space, nothing else was important, everything slowed down and I just felt a closeness to my mother and a sense of pure love. It was sort of amazing to me that I could be having this holy experience while standing in line for lunch. But I felt like I was walking on air for several days after. When I read the passage from Miscellaneous Writings by Mrs. Eddy, I realized that what I experienced was the spiritual idea or Christ “lighting my path.”
I have taken to heart our assignment to go out and heal. Various physical symptoms over the past year have been healed, by simply knowing myself as God made me. It has become more natural and the human picture has less power to alarm me.