“…God truly was on the scene.”
/A few weeks ago, our high school daughter and I were in a nearby state, yet again for a soccer game. She’s become quite a good player, and I am now one of those proverbial soccer moms. We were 5 minutes from the field on a country road when I inexplicably ran a stop sign, and we were T-boned by an oncoming truck. The passenger’s side took the blow, but instantaneously I knew my daughter was cared for, and I jumped out of my car to attend to the driver of the other. She was quite shaken and said she couldn’t breathe. So, I helped her to my car and I comforted her as much as I could. She did go to the hospital, but as she was leaving I gave my cell number to a friend of hers who I had called to come to the scene. I asked her if she would please text me to let me know of her friend’s condition. I received a very sweet message the next day saying she had been released the night before and was “battered and bruised” but not seriously injured. She thanked me several times for my kindness.
I mention this because what occurred to me in the time following the accident and through the night was that God was truly on the scene even though there appeared to be a bad accident. And also that Jesus tells us to let our light shine (see Matt. 5:16) This light I take to be the light of truth which the world needs so much! My daughter and I had the opportunity to be that light. There were many predictions of aftermath shocks, particularly emotional and muscle soreness. I worked to deny this, but mainly my thought rested on this other totally innocent driver. She was proclaimed elderly at the scene by the police and EMTs, although honestly she wasn’t. Also, it seemed that she wasn’t of great means. So, I was worried for her comfort both bodily and in replacing her truck. It seemed to me that if my daughter could walk out of such an accident unscathed, then so could this dear woman as no accident really ever occurred. She is just as loved as we are no matter what she might think she believes.
I haven’t heard again from the other driver but I feel assured that Love is on the scene and that common justice (God’s justice!) does not leave any participant unprotected. The line from hymn #278, “Cared for, watched over, beloved and protected, Walk thou with courage each step of the way” was very present throughout this experience.
My daughter was back to practice the next day although not quite at full speed, but with two days she had no lingering symptoms. I was sure that others would see this dominion. But her advisor at school and her coach insist that she had trauma. It’s the strangest thing, except that it isn’t!! Your letter calling us to handle the mesmeric belief of materiality so seemingly sneaky and strong these days was a big help.