“Thankful to God, who has paved the way for me to be at Association”
/I wanted to share a wonderful demonstration regarding last year’s Association Day.
An associate in the bank where I work had vacated her position. With another associate scheduled to start her vacation on May 11, I began to work about a solution that would allow me to obtain the day off to attend Association. I already knew that asking another bank location for help was not an option—past requests for help have been denied, and no one ever wants to give up a day off on a Saturday.
As I worked, I continued my homework with the assigned readings in anticipation that the answer would come. An idea had come to me to ask the associate who was going to be on vacation if she would be willing to work for me. In the past, she and I have shared spiritual ideas with each other. Part of me resisted the idea because I am the type of person who would prefer to make a sacrifice before asking someone else to. So I prayed about it for a week.
Today I felt that it was the right thing to ask my associate. When I called her into my office to ask if she had any plans for that Saturday, she first said, “Let me check.” But when I told her why I needed her to work for me, she immediately said, “Absolutely, it would be my pleasure.”
The wonderful part was how excited she was for me to have this special day to be spiritually focused and energized. When I explained to her what Association Day is all about, her response was, “You shouldn’t have even waited a week to ask me. When it comes to spiritual things we need to take care of each other, just like you do for me.” She was so happy to do this for me that she even had tears in her eyes.
I am so very thankful to God, who has paved the way for me to be at Association. I feel as though it represents the message that we are preparing to hear, but more importantly it represents the presence of divine Love and the omnipotence of God, showing us He is able to do all things.