The reality is that the need is already met by divine Love...
/The reality is that the need is already met by divine Love, with infinite perfection, order, compassion, and joy. The qualities expressed in that job is Love personified (if we can say such a thing.). Last year, Bree’s call to me that another member of the Association would not be using her room was a healing message. And the room was offered to me for free!!! I don’t know why, but it said to me, I was loved, by you and Bree in the office, and by the Association member ( although no one knew that I had been doubting I could make it for weeks). Bree’s call broke that mesmerism. When I arrived at 6:00 am after an overnight flight, the little hotel was a gem and the people were friends, welcoming me. It was home. It seems to me this helps explain the dimensions of what the job really is.
The new venue in Dedham is a new day. Bree’s intent was always apparent – how to make the annual gathering easy, workable, affordable, comfortable for everyone, – those in the area and those coming in. That’s divine Love at work and divine Love is still at work right now. The belief that something is not getting done, or is neglected, is a lie. Confusion, disorder, sadness is no part of our association, the office or anyone in it, nor can any member believe that it is. It is no part of divine Love at work. Love is constantly working throughout the Association!! We are going to see evidence of it everywhere! Hymn 51. God could not make imperfect man His model infinite; Unhallowed thought He could not plan, Love’s work and Love must fit. Life, Truth and Love the pattern make, Christ is the perfect heir; The clouds of sense roll back, and show The form divinely fair. That’s a pretty good job description!! And it fills our thought right now!!! There is no vacuum. No space or position unfilled by divine Love and the perfect Christ idea.