“Uncompromised, unchanging divine Principle, Love”

Question 3: Share a transforming experience like Saul to Paul which came about reading Skip’s article(s).

Of Skip’s many editorials, one that stands out to me is “Uncompromised, unchanging divine Principle, Love” (Journal, June 2010). That editorial describes how two situations involving claims of sin and guilt were healed through Christian Science treatment. 

Here is what Skip wrote about one of those healings: “. . . a Christian Science practitioner recognized he couldn’t possibly provide any help by starting from the basis of a person’s ‘real’ sin and guilt. So he prayed deeply to understand more of the man’s complete spiritual innocence since he is entirely God’s expression. . . . That became far more real to him than the confused and bitter human scene. He also knew from experience that prayer on this basis was the shortest, surest route to bringing out whatever awakening and reform is needed.”

At a time of great extremity in regard to a claim from my own past, that explanation was incredibly helpful and brought healing. I knew it was the basis from which I had to work for myself, and as I did, I won my way to freedom.