“by taking these workers’ example and the above list to heart daily”
/What would I particularly like to share with another after reading this book: There is so much to ponder, to put into practice, to wisely share. I have found I already have shared several things. They just came so effortlessly to thought because of a particular situation. (We have been given such a wealth of light and help.) I shared the idea Mrs. Eddy gave a worker that if you had zeros from one wall to another, they would still be nothing unless you put a whole number in front of them. This was shared because we both were being tempted to believe we were responsible for an accident. I shared with a relative Mrs. Eddy’s statement about God’s laws—-that they are infinite, eternal they stand and cannot be reversed. This was immensely useful because it helped us all to see, when Mrs. Eddy added, that when we declare the Truth we can be sure that it, too, stands and cannot be reversed.
How did I feel from reading this book: “Oh my, how far from a true Christian Scientist I seem,” and, “Oh yes, I will do better.” (Now that I have reread the topic letter for the Association address, and read through the address itself, I feel differently. Now I think of these workers like the 63 testimonies of healing we were given two years ago as concrete evidence of “yes, this is to be done”.)
I was so humbled by the total commitment, consecration to the Cause of Christian Science by these workers and their ability to handle animal magnetism and therefore be a help to our Leader and to be of help because of their obedience to the teachings of Christian Science and their unselfish love and gratitude. This is a very high goal, but a totally worthy one, for me to press towards.
I made a list of subjects that I felt were important when reading the book. Then I revisited the comments made by workers or Mrs. Eddy that gave me a clearer, more accurate understanding of each subject. The subjects I singled out were: 1. Handling animal magnetism—-the importance of handling it, how to handle it and to be consistent about this work. 2. Watching and defending myself—-this brought to thought a number of statements in Science and Health to take much more seriously and regularly, for instance, “be a law to yourselves.” (S&H 442:30) 3. How to practice the truths of Christian Science accurately. 4. Handling beliefs about weather—-a daily responsibility. 5. How to approach branch church problems more scientifically, with love and with expectancy of healing. This naturally leads to the next assignment question:
How my own life could change to bring my best to serve the Cause: by taking these workers’ example and the above list to heart daily, more humility and childlike trust, expectancy of healing, more unselfing, and obedience to Truth, and more active service.
How does this leadership continue into the second century of Christian Science: by us—-by our obedience to her Manual, her textbook, Science and Health, by bearing witness to the healing power of Christian Science as she discovered it, founded it, and demonstrated it for all.