November 2013

Sharing Christian Science can take a lot of forms.  One of the best, of course, is simply being an example. That was exactly what happened in this testimony: a Christian Science family’s example led to some inquiries by a neighbor. Then the neighbor’s reading of Science and Health resulted in an entirely unexpected healing of a condition she had had since childhood. And finally Christian Science brought a healing of a grave situation for the neighbor’s child. 

Here’s what the testifier wrote: “New neighbors moved in next door, and I became acquainted with them.  I noticed how happy and healthy their children were.  

Learning that they were Christian Scientists and becoming intrigued with their concept of living, I began asking the mother many questions.  She was always willing to talk with me, and I began reading the Christian Science periodicals and finally Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy.  While I was reading this book, a painful sinus condition I had had from childhood disappeared. 

The testifier goes on, “One night my daughter suddenly became gravely ill…”

What happened then?  Well, you can read the entire account and see how greatly C.S. changed the lives of that family next door. It’s in the February 1, 1975 Sentinel, pp. 215-216, in the testimony by Mrs. Elizabeth A. Brown.

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Here’s one more example from among thousands in which love and a natural impulsion to help through telling about Christian Science healing resulted in a whole new life for someone.  Leon T. Broock and his wife wrote about it in the April 5, 1975 Sentinel, pp. 645-647:

“Shortly after my mother was married around the turn of the century, in New York, she was found suffering with tuberculosis.  Several doctors gave up hope for her unless she moved to a better climate.  So the family goods were sold, and we all removed to Denver, Colorado, where there was a famous sanatorium that specialized in treatment of consumptive patients. However, this sanatorium refused admittance to my mother, saying there was no possibility of her recovery, inasmuch as one lung was gone and another half consumed.” 

“At this time a neighbor kindly recommended Christian Science treatment.  But mother scoffed at this—wasn’t her case hopeless?”

It turned out there was more than one way to convince the mother to try Christian Science. And it’s pretty surprising what that was!  Take a look on the online JSH website archives.