Archived fruitage 2014

The force of the work I’d done in the study room coming to thought so naturally

I had a humbling experience as I was leaving the study room of the Association office today.  As I was nearing the Back Bay T station there is a tall set of steps leading down to the sidewalk where I was walking.  A man was above me on the step and took a mis-step and came tumbling down the stairs, rolling over and losing one of his shoes with the seeming force of it.  He literally landed at my feet.  

I didn’t say much audibly although I did hear myself say “All is well” quietly.  But more, I felt the impetus from what I had been considering in my just-completed study take hold in my thinking.  Another man joined us and picked up some of the scattered belongings.  A woman jogging by stopped and helped him with his shoe.  He did get up on his own but took some care with it.  When he was up, I asked him if there was anything I could do for him.  He just said thank you, said he was okay, but we shared a meaningful glance I would say.  

He was limping a bit as he was heading off, but upright and I have been continuing to support the situation in thought and had a good T-ride home doing that.  Mainly I was so impressed with the force of the work from the office just coming to thought so naturally and not being filled with fear for him and being able to respond in a kindly way, and the others around me too.  I think because there wasn’t a sense of fear present it helped others to respond in the right way.

Still considering all of this in my prayers today, but I didn’t want the afternoon to go by without mentioning the definite effect for good that my work in the study room had not only for me but for others.

“It is a prepared and precious place.”

I haven’t visited the Association study room for sometime, but I recognized early in the week that I could spend time later in the week.  And I did.  A few months back in preparation for Association I began reading the addresses.  What inspiration! 

When I arrived today, I didn’t know exactly what I would focus on in the work — there is always a lot to choose from in addition to quiet prayer!  It is a prepared and precious place.   I began reading an address with the title “Legitimate Christian Science, aflame with divine Love.”  It’s funny, but just prior to reaching for that volume, I was thinking about practice and began reading the chapter “Christian Science Practice” in Science and Health, by Mrs. Eddy.  After reading about the story of Mary Magdalene, Simon, and Jesus in that chapter I went to the bookshelf for that address.  It turned out the assignment for that year and introduction and first couple of sections were all about that story. Immediately I was pulled in with all the inspiration and healing that came through in these pages.

I have just started a new job and one section seemed so supportive, and appropriate. It spoke about Mrs. Eddy and humility. Even after she had written the textbook, she still spoke to her students of what she was learning from the textbook, that she had been a “scribe under orders.” (Mis 311:26)  Humility was brought out a lot in this section, and I took it to heart, simply desiring that sense of humility in moving forward with new tasks and duties.  It could be a safeguard to me.  I recall section 4 bringing out much of what we hear today about what has come to me to be an assignment from TMC — spiritual foundation of Christ-healing.  I loved how this theme has been so present all along.

There were other similar examples, beautiful themes that kind of carried me away.  But apart from all of this, I was so grateful for the setting and space I was in.  I wondered how many other Associations had offices, and the pure provision for its members and guests to visit.  I felt a great privilege.  I finished the address while I was there, and who knows what the next project will be when I return, but I will for sure return as it brings much satisfaction and healing to me.

"It was just filled to the brim with healing..."

It is not uncommon for me to spend time in the study room at the Association office.  Sometimes it requires me to set aside some obligations, but I am always grateful I have, for I always come away from my visit feeling inspired and refreshed.  Some of my favorite things to work with are the four large notebooks of archived healings from our Association, dating from 2008 - 2012. Just recently, I spent the whole afternoon with the 2012 volume – it was just filled to the brim with healing.  Marked books of the current week’s Bible Lesson are also available, past addresses to read, bound periodical volumes, and many other study materials.  Most of all, it’s a quiet place to pray and ponder. 

I left the office yesterday feeling a couple of things.  Although the office is indeed a quiet space, it’s not solemn in the least.  There’s a tangible sense of joy and healing that runs very deep.  I also always feel so welcomed, like there is a mat there at the front door just waiting for me.  I love the sense of warmth and family that I feel each time I come.  It’s no wonder with all of the good work that goes on there with the practitioners being present, but I somehow feel that anyone in that study room is also contributing to the healing atmosphere, just by being there!

I had a further thought about those archived fruitage volumes.  I think it is so important to have such a clear and ordered record on hand.  I know we have the archived healings on the website for a given year, but not prior (which makes sense of course).  But it’s so incredible to have the volumes there in the office filled with all of those healings for people to refer to.  Two or three stood out to me from the 2011 volume that I was reading thru yesterday.  The one about the healing of the son who had a twitch that seemed particularly aggressive.  And how the mom worked it through on the heels of the Association meeting.  And the other was the person on the “accommodation committee” at church who with not much experience essentially got the church ceilings and flooring all done within 3 months rather than a year (which was the predicted timeline from the board).  I guess working more closely with branch church work lately, this one spoke to me so vividly. And there were many others!