Free from myths of heredity

For me, Christian Science is the ONLY way to live my life. Christian Science practice has lifted me far above what the material senses were telling me about the obligations of life. It has led me out of the dark places of material existence into the light of Truth.

I have had many demonstrations of letting go of mortal beliefs and progressing forward. When I was very young, my grandmother introduced me to Christian Science. I was healed overnight of whooping cough. When there was an epidemic of chicken pox in school, my grandmother “barred the door,” and I had only one pox, which disappeared within a day or two. Because of this experience, I was able to carry out healing work for my own daughter when she appeared to have chicken pox.

In the past year, I had a healing that helped me progress in Christian Science. After a physical examination for my job, I was told I had an excessive level of cholesterol. My refusal to take medicine caused a domino effect, and I was referred for additional testing. During the time between tests, I became fearful. (I was never ill. It was the medical prediction, not the illusion of illness, that made me fearful.) I worked with ideas from my class notes and the periodicals. Though the work was helpful, I still couldn’t drop the fear of ill health and aging.

When I was tested again, the results appeared to be very serious. I was then referred to a cardiologist because my medical history included a parent who had died from heart disease. While it was a very fearful time, it was also an opportunity to grow. I contacted a dear Association classmate who has worked alongside me on many challenges throughout the years. She carefully prayed and then sent me ideas on how I should also pray.

Fear still gripped me. But Mrs. Eddy writes, “Heredity is not a law” (Science and Health, 178:8 only). Did I inherit bad genes from a loving parent? Impossible! My loving parent is God, only good. God, not human parents, gives us our life. Therefore, we are free from myths of heredity.

While praying with many wonderful ideas, this message came to me: “What do you want to understand? The material prediction or the spiritual outcome?” I chose the spiritual outcome. With that decision, a sense of peace came and I was able to drop the fear. When I went back for yet another intense test, the results were normal, no heart disease was detected. I was free of the matter prediction, and like the prisoner in the allegory of the trial, “rose up regenerated, strong, free” (Science and Health, 442:8 only).

While it was wonderful to have a good outcome, that was not the healing. The healing was to know that I am not a mortal with good or bad health. I am truly spiritual reflection, having all good at all times. To grow more fully in grace, I uncovered that I need to be kinder and less critical of others, to see everyone I encounter as a representative of God. If I can keep progressing in that direction, that will be a healing for all mankind. As Mrs. Eddy writes, “This is an element of progress, and progress is the law of God, whose law demands of us only what we can certainly fulfil” (Science and Health, 233:5).