A few weeks ago, I experienced discomfort in my shoulder that became increasingly painful and impaired my ability to use my arm. Although I was praying about it, I felt I was not making any tangible progress in thought.
During this time, my husband and I were renovating the exterior of our home, and our contractor alerted us to a potential structural problem. Work stopped until we could determine the extent of the problem and how to remedy it. A firm our contractor recommended examined the structure and submitted a bid for the repair work. The price was staggering—almost as much as what we were paying for the entire exterior remodel of the home. Although we had set aside a contingency for unknown issues, this would blow our budget.
My normally unflappable husband was unreasonably irrational in his reaction to the bid for the proposed structural work. (Later, I realized part of my husband’s agitation was that he was fearful about being laid off from work. Many of his colleagues had been let go, and his division was being reorganized in a way where he didn’t think his position would be secure.)
The morning we were to meet our contractor to discuss solutions for the structural issue, the claim with my shoulder intensified. The shoulder appeared inflamed and was painful to the touch. Frankly, I wasn’t sure I could use my arm at all; I had to lift it to place it on my desk.
I tried to pray about my shoulder, my seemingly irrational husband, and the structural issue in our home. I felt a tad overwhelmed. After the meeting with our contractor, during which I tried to keep my husband calm, we resolved to get a second opinion from another structural engineer. When I walked away from this meeting, I let myself lapse into doom and gloom, including some self-condemnation about how we should have chosen a different household improvement project!
I was in my home office half-praying, half-indulging in a pity party, when the sweetest angel thought came, “You don’t have to shoulder all of this.” Praying with this thought, I realized I had accepted a false sense of responsibility about the whole project. It wasn’t my responsibility to resolve the conflict between my husband and the contractor, nor was it my role to try and “fix” this situation. Either I believed in divine intelligence, or I didn’t. It was that simple.
After praying with the first angel thought, another sweet thought from the Bible came about “dwelling between God’s shoulders.” This tender message further confirmed that I needed to drop the false sense of being a mortal with a painful shoulder and an out-of-control construction project and just dwell between God’s shoulders—let God shoulder this situation. I was in awe of how specific these angel messages were for my situation.
Although I was grateful for this inspiration, I also called a practitioner to support me in my prayers. I briefly told him what was going on and the angel messages I had received, and he agreed to support me.
During the morning, between numerous work meetings, I would listen for more angel messages. It was becoming clear that I had not defended my thought from my husband’s fears about looming unemployment, recession, and limited future job possibilities. As a Christian Scientist, I knew I had consistently demonstrated that a job is not the source of supply in our lives, and that ideas are the only true income.
As I opened my thought, I was able to recognize the errors in my thought and replace them with the spiritual facts about the situation. I could see that the self-condemnation was unwarranted. This renovation project was not my personal will, but something that had become apparent to both my husband and me as the project we should commence now. Despite mortal appearances, I could be confident that this project was the right idea at the right time and could expect divine intelligence to bring about the right solution and supply.
Within a few hours of my call to the practitioner, my shoulder was healed. No more pain or loss of movement! It was a spectacular healing.
Although I was grateful for the release from pain and immobility, I continued to pray about the ever-presence of divine intelligence and how we all are receptive to the leadings of Mind. I also endeavored to clear my thought about my husband and more fully know that as God’s expression he is incapable of harboring fear.
My husband called his brother to discuss the situation, and his brother had a friend who was a structural engineer. This engineer agreed to come to our home to help us. The night before this second engineering assessment, I was out running errands. At an intersection, I saw a father hoist his daughter on his shoulders and walk across the street with her. She was in awe of seeing everything from a higher view. It was such a reminder that when God shoulders us, he also is showing us a whole different viewpoint. I was so touched by this angel message.
The next day, after a thorough inspection, the second structural engineer determined that the first opinion was inaccurate and showed us conclusively why the first opinion was incorrect. He also provided some guidance about steps that our contractor could take to ensure that the modifications we were making would not create future problems. Within a few days, our contractor was able to provide us with a breakdown of additional costs, which my husband wholeheartedly agreed to! This work was far less than the original estimate we received.
Although I am grateful for the healing of my shoulder and the resolution of the structural issue, I am inspired by how renovated my thought became through this experience, including healing errors of thought I had been unaware I was entertaining. In addition, my husband seems much more at peace regarding his job situation, and there is no conflict with our contractor. In fact, they have become fast friends, chatting every morning. This experience demonstrated that nothing is outside of our own thought, whether it is a shoulder, a construction project, supply, or conflict.