"I now reflect soundness of body"

I have much to be thankful for. My life has been immeasurably blessed by class instruction with Skip and decades of Associations and numerous conversations with a man of immense wisdom, love, and spirituality. That is where this letter of gratitude must begin!  In one of my last conversations with him, Skip said, "Let God unfold what only God could possibly do." That is written on a sticky note and kept in a place where it is easily spotted as a reminder of how things naturally work in creation made and governed by the Soul of the universe.

One day last September, I was leaning over to pick something up off the kitchen floor, and when I started to straighten up, a pain sprang up in my lower back. I was nearly immobilized but managed to sit down at the kitchen table and asked my wife to bring my books. One of the first statements I looked at was from the textbook: “Science reverses the false testimony of the physical senses, and by this reversal mortals arrive at the fundamental facts of being" (120:7–9).

My treatment included the following:

“There is no lapse between the time an object comes before a mirror and when the reflection appears. Right now, I am Love's reflection, the image of Spirit, an idea in Mind. The image of Spirit is spiritual, is whole. I now reflect soundness of body and the consciousness that enables me to realize the presence of perfect health. My health is perfect because the source of my health and being is the divine Principle, Love.

What is material law actually? At base it is false belief, mortal misapprehension. In other words, it's a house of cards – something that cannot remain standing when even the slightest touch of the Christ is brought to bear. Dear Christ, lead me in your way – in the way of understanding and spiritual dominion."

In addition to my own spiritual work, I reached out to a Christian Science practitioner and am most grateful for her loving work in support of healing.

There was definite progress that day, a Saturday. I was (and am) serving my branch as Sunday School superintendent. On Sunday I wrote the following in my journal:

"I am so grateful for the progress that is going on according to God's perfect, encompassing love. I'm at Sunday School and, not surprisingly, feel much less restricted and am rejoicing in the naturalness of expanded expectancy of good. This is God's sacred hour – the gift of spiritual education for His loved children. He gives them spiritual sense, a deep and natural responsiveness to Mind's abundant bestowal of understanding….Church is the body of Christ and so it is whole, and so we can come into our wholeness by uniting, in humble gratitude, with church as the very structure of God's being, resting on supreme Principle, the rock foundation of Christ."

The healing naturally followed. Just a few days later, I loaded coolers, suitcases, and other items into our car for a trip my wife and I made to a rustic cabin on a lake. This was all done without restriction and with a quiet recognition of the “glorious liberty” that we have been given as children of God.