"In short, chaos was resolved into order"

First, I want to express gratitude for the privilege of having had class instruction with our teacher which established a sound foundation for work in Christian Science. Working from this new basis has resulted in increased awareness of what needs correcting in my own thought and the understanding of how to deal with it as a Christian Scientist. Along these lines, I’m especially grateful for Skip’s editorials in the periodicals. They continue to be an invaluable resource. I’m also grateful for this year’s study references.

I had a quick healing of a painful physical condition earlier this year. A Christian Science practitioner was enlisted for support, and healing came when I gained a better understanding of the following statement in Science and Health: “The illusion of Moses lost its power to alarm him, when he discovered that what he apparently saw was really but a phase of mortal belief.” (321: 16-18)

Several challenges related to technology in the workplace were also resolved quickly when addressed through Christian Science. On three separate occasions, a program that I use to review large numbers of documents electronically began causing delays in our workflow. The situation seemed beyond my control or that of others on the project, and it was adversely affecting both employees and the client. Despite sincere human effort, neither our company’s IT department nor outside vendors were able to correct the problem. But thanks to the prayerful help of a dedicated Christian Science practitioner, each time this challenge occurred, it was resolved quickly, and the work resumed, benefiting everyone. In short, chaos was resolved into order and discord into harmony when practitioner and patient bore witness to the Truth.