Skip's healing: " it is becoming clearer that MBE wanted a Church of HEALERS"

Thank you, Father, for the amazing Christmas lunch with Pam. Pam said, “It felt like heaven on earth.”  The key thing was our discussion of one of the major healings of mine, which ran from about April 2014-March 2016. In fact, I found myself struggling with a serious physical condition unlike anything I had ever known.

During those two years, the symptoms varied, but it was painful to sit, I often managed without sleep at night, and there was considerable discomfort and swelling. In spite of this, I was able to miraculously get through two Annual Meetings of 90 minutes and two all-day Association meetings. Toward the end of the time there was more swelling, very little eating, loss of weight, and considerable weakness. I had to miss only a few days of work at TMC. It was Pam’s work that got me up and was central in the healing, which came in February or March 2016.

We reviewed and were tremendously grateful for this healing and rejoiced. 

I realized something for the first time today when I said that the most important part of my experience was what I learned spiritually from the healings I had rather than the positions I had held in Church. This led to Pam’s conclusions that the healings were the primary thing and the positions were the “added unto.”  I had never seen this so clearly because I was feeling that, yes, the healings were necessary in order to keep me doing what I was in Church, but the two were somewhat separate – healing work or spiritual experience and the work of Church. But now it is becoming clearer that MBE wanted a Church of HEALERS, which was all-important and excluded any sense of hierarchy or self-importance or wrong steps or loss of healing because of “Church ACTIVITY.”

Healing is God-with-us, so this is therefore everything. This is all that matters – not Church activity instead of real Church (Truth and Love).

“Ours is the Church after all that inexhaustibly keeps reappearing with demonstration of the structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle.” (Skip’s quote)