Newness of Christian Science bringing new resolve to practice, home repairs, branch church work

I’m quicker to be obedient to Mrs. Eddy’s clear advice in Science and Health to ‘Let Christian Science, instead of corporeal sense, support your understanding of being…’ (495:20) and less apt to think of physical discords as having any life of their own. The ‘support’ this brings feels new and is substantial.

With a recent healing of my own, I gained a new insight into the fact that the so-called physical aspects of the problem actually contained no matter. While it wasn’t a life-threatening problem, it was one that wasn’t going away and was bringing much distress. As I prayed, I stopped accepting the symptoms at their face value. And when they forcefully entered my thought I consistently turned to the allness of infinite Mind and divine Love and sought to feel their immediate presence. As I went on this way the symptoms yielded until they were no more.

Another piece of fruitage: a belief of inaction in regard to some much-needed repairs in our home was strongly challenged when our awareness increased that God had something better for us. As of now, beautiful solutions for several key needs have been demonstrated and are in place. Christian Science has been lifting this unnecessary belief of impossibility by its strong emphasis on the reality and naturalness of goodness and the unreality and unnaturalness of inharmony and delay. We have more that needs to be done, but are greatly encouraged by this recent progress.

Branch church work: In our church our members have been working at letting tensions among us wash away. We’re much better at this than we used to be, and a number of us have felt a decided change from the way things were even a year or two ago. At a recent business meeting, there was a period when we found ourselves spontaneously and quietly sharing things we’d each been thinking and praying about. Branch church work is ongoing and there will always be issues that test us. Instead of feeling that they foreshadow divisions, I’m working to turn them over to God more quickly than I have in the past. This feels to me like the ‘Life that maketh all things new’ (Hymn 218:1).