"Healing while working with the study references for Association 2019"

My Dad lost his hearing completely (as did his father) and emailed me to ask for help. I was studying the references at the time so it was a joy to do the work. He rang (previously impossible) on to say “thank you”, and we had a delightful conversation. He also said if you see an opportunity please share this healing at Association.

I consider it a joint healing with the references.

The second – was my nephew – a bonfire and a Christmas tree. He was too close and got caught in the fire two weeks ago. He was taken to A&E and then transferred to a special burns unit for damage to his face and hands. Prognosis was a week in the burns unit at least and then scars for life. My sister rang my mother and me for support. I reassured her with the story of Hagar – and God heard the voice of the lad.

Having been focused on the Bible and what we learn and know from each account (good questions in that assignment) I was ready. Hagar and also the fiery furnace. The presence of Christ and not even the smell of smoke on them (him).

My nephew spent days in hospital, completely free and no scarring and no sense of drama or having ever been through anything. My sister took him Friday to see the burns unit for an hour follow up – he was sent on his way in three minutes.

God is so very good and so very present – the healing is complete.