“The intelligent, precise, awakening, strengthening, comforting Word of God that heals body and soul”

I’m so grateful for an immediate healing I had several months ago. 

Suddenly, and out of the blue, I was overcome with severe feelings of sorrow, guilt, fear, vulnerability, nausea, and headache. Because of things going on in my family’s life at that moment, including our commitment to serving God and Church, it felt like an attack, like malpractice. I could feel myself going down, and in the midst of vomiting and difficulty breathing, it came really clear to me that I wanted to hear what Mrs. Eddy said about poison. Instantly, my husband found this passage and read it to me:  

“Firm in your allegiance to the reign of universal harmony, go to its rescue. In God’s hour, the powers of earth and hell are proven powerless. The reeling ranks of materia medica, with poisons, nostrums, and knives, are impotent when at war with the omnipotent! Like Elisha, look up, and behold: ‘They that be with us, are more than they that be with them.’ Error is only fermenting, and its heat hissing at the ‘still, small voice’ of Truth; but it can neither silence nor disarm God’s voice. Spiritual wickedness is standing in high places; but, blind to its own fate, it will tumble into the bottomless.”

(Mis. 134:18–29) 

The passage was so perfect, countering every subtle and not-so-subtle thought mortal mind had been throwing at me, so God-given, I drank it in. I took enormous comfort in Elisha’s recognition that “They that be with us, are more than they that be with them.” It reaffirmed my sense of God’s all-power and evil’s non-power. I knew I could stand on this eternal Truth of God’s omnipotence, proven by Elisha and over and over in the Bible and in my life and in the life of so many Christian Science testifiers. It actually felt like “the horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha” that his servant saw when he had felt under attack.

Very shortly, I was able to lie down and my husband sat in the room praying silently. The next thing I knew, I was waking up. My breathing had quieted, the fear had left, and within hours, all the symptoms left so that I was able to sleep peacefully that night and go to work the next day.

That’s the spiritual sense of the Bible – it’s the intelligent, precise, awakening, strengthening, comforting Word of God that heals body and soul, that aligns us with the Truth of being. I’m so grateful for it, and I owe my life to it.