This is what I opened to in the Bible shortly after getting the news about Bree's passing: "As one whom his mother comforts, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem [Home, heaven.]" (See Isaiah 66:13 & SH 589:15)
As I realize from what we were told of the situation, there was resistance to CS from Bree's family, I was looking up “resistance” and the like. I see now, that I still wasn't being active enough in my work. Since then I have prayed and written out a treatment for myself that I hope you don't mind me sharing with all of you. See below: I am not susceptible to mortal mind. Mind is one, the infinite God, Love, Spirit, Truth, All-in-all, the very "center and circumference of being." (SH 203:32) If "the brotherhood of man consist[s] of Love and Truth," then our brotherhood is substance. We can see God in His qualities expressed. We can see and feel the presence of God, the great protector, in all good. We can see and feel the presence of Life itself. Though we may seem to "see through a glass, darkly," (I Cor 13:12) we do see! There is no resistance to or friction in the One. The Ocean does not resist the drops of water and the water does not resist the ocean — they are together in oneness. The rays of the sun cannot leave and resist the sun. Their very self is oneness with the sun and its warmth and heat. (See John 17:20,21 & SH 361:16 & My. 344:3)
There is no cause outside of Love. There is no substance outside of Love. There is naught but the all good — God, Principle, the supreme and almighty. This Association, and the whole movement, trust and puts its hope in the Lord. This Cause, and the children of God, are "as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither cease in yielding fruit." (Jer. 17:7, 8)
Our Cause is not in matter. Christ improves beliefs and raises dull senses out of soil and gently into Spirit. It lifts each and every individual into the light and reveals them for what they truly are: God's image and likeness! There are no enemies of God or Her children. In the bright light of Truth and Love no shadows can cling. There are no children of God who can resist the light, resist God, attack the Cause — or the movement, or our Association, or individual practitioners and members. There are no children that can overturn the throne, the very foundation of all that is, Principle — Life, Truth, Love and Spirit. There are none that can even try to overturn the throne, for all that is, is "infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation." (SH 468:8-15) & “Principle and its idea is one, and this one is God, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Being, and His reflection is man and the universe”. (SH 465:17-1 Principle) The only enemy we are resisting is a lie that there are men and women who hate the Mother-Father God. (Mis. 8:9-19) "There is but one real attraction, that of Spirit." (SH 102:9)
Our Association family, and even our universal family of all, is safe and secure for Mind is intelligence, the supreme authority and power, and intelligence is not reflected in cunning, or hate, or illegal practices. Mind and its ideas cannot be probed by error, for error has no intelligence and does not — and cannot ever — know and see, smell or taste, touch or feel God and ideas. God supplies infinite resources — its own substance, intelligence and all — through reflection. Neither our Association — nor our practitioners, nor our friends and family, nor any other Association — nor the Cause, can lack anything it needs in the days or in any moment. No mortal sense can still, stay, hinder, undermine, threaten or defeat Love and its idea. (Hymn 194) This Association and the Cause are one — and are an infinite family in and of Love. Love is the infinite power, the active presence, the heart of all, and the Principle of all that is! Each member of our Association, each student and child of the Cause, Christ Science, is Love expressed, Love's expression! (See SH 520:3-5 (to !) & SH 503:15)
We neither have, nor can be seen by, material sense (personal sense). There is no weakness in good, God, therefore no weakness in the Cause, the Association, nor in its individual children and representatives. Our practitioners and teachers are not known by error, unintelligence, and cannot be targets. But they are known by Spirit, and in and of the presence of God-with-us, therefore in and under the protection of Love. God is All-in-all and this is enough. Thank you Mother-Father for being the allness and all-good. Thank you for seeing us as you see us. Thank you for letting us see as you see, through reflection. Thank you for your perfect harmony, for heaven available now and here, heaven that not a single one of us has ever departed. Thou art the one altogether lovely. The center and circumference of being. (SH 203:32 & 262:14 & Un. 10:16) We are free and whole because thou are free and whole (Un. 48:5-11) This truly is enough — Amen!